Tuesday, May 10, 2011

McCaskill: It's time to end subsidies for oil companies


Anonymous said...

Anytime the price goes above $35/barrel, the 'strippers' in the oil fields in OK and TX make money. Ane no, 'strippers' refers to the companies that go after oil in formerly closed oil wells, not the kind that works in bars.

Anonymous said...

I don't see the connection with the subject, but I the strippers do a valuable service. I would settle for $35 a barrel and give the strippers a job as well. There are thousands closed wells that hold oil that should be brought to the surface. The technology to redeem this oil is getting better and better.

I approve of ending subsidies for oil companies. I would go further and forbid anyone from buying crude unless they own a refinery. We need to get the speculators out of the business.

Anonymous said...

4:56, your solution to get the speculators out of the business is simply a talking point. If you have deep-thinking skills, how do you propose getting worldwide speculators out of the investment scheme of buying and selling futures, based on the value of the dollar and supply/demand conflicts?

Anonymous said...

4:56, let me help you here a little bit. Make it necessary that the speculators must be able to take delivery of the oil.

Anonymous said...

I assure you if that policy were set in place and ENFORCED by the USA==even if only USA trading and in USA crude, it would put a run on speculators.. but it must be enforced and penalties very severe. A real crack down...I've grown up in the oil patches and had family in the gas and oil business all my life, and I promise you we need to clean out the rat's nest and there would be all the gasoline we need at a price we could all live with.