Thursday, January 02, 2025

Hit-and-run charges dismissed against former Carthage parks director

Misdemeanor hit-and-run charges against former Carthage parks director Mark Peterson have been dismissed.

The case is no longer included in the Jasper County Circuit court records.

Peterson's trial had been scheduled for January 27.

The Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney filed the charge February 8 in connection with a January 17 incident in the parking lot at Roscoe's Bar and Grill, 325 E. Grant, Carthage.

From the probable cause statement:

The victim reported that his 2007 Chevrolet Silverado (4YGM04) was struck by a white midsized pickup truck in the north parking lot of the business. Witness 1 advised that he observed the incident. He was outside on the phone when he observed a white GMC pickup reverse from a parking spot and strike the victim's black truck.

The witness advised that the impact moved the victim's truck. He also stated that he made eye contact with the suspect, gestured for the suspect to stop but the suspect continued and left the property.

The witness recalled that the first two characters of the suspect's license plate were "5M." I contacted the business owner who later provided video footage of the incident.

Employees were able to identify the suspect from the incident as Mark Peterson. They were familiar with Peterson and also able to identify him from his receipt from his bar tab.

The Carthage Police Department investigation was able to identify the suspect vehicle as Peterson's, according to the probable cause statement.

The owner of the vehicle Peterson allegedly hit obtained four estimates of the cost to fix his car, ranging from a high estimate of $1,624.76 to a low estimate of $728.24.

Peterson still faces felony charges in Jasper County Circuit Court for stealing and money laundering. The next hearing in that case is scheduled for January 22 in Joplin.

More information about that case can be found at the link below.

The Turner Report: Former Carthage Parks Director charged with stealing $142,000, money laundering (


Anonymous said...

Just goes to show you that if you have money, you can get away with anything. Wonder if he used some of the money, he "allegedly" stole from the city to help pay people off?

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the two tiered justice system. Folks, if you have the money and clout, you too can get drunk, hit a car, drive off and not be charged!

Anonymous said...

Imagine if it was just a regular citizen without the connections.....

Anonymous said...

That money is long gone. His partners in crime, the friend of his who was hiding in the backyard when the cops came to search his house after he was arrested for the missing money probably paid off a bunch of people involved with the hit and run. The Minors, the “victims” have most likely been paid off by this person.

Anonymous said...

Justice takes another hit in Jasper County. Even with a Witness, that Visible saw Mark Peterson hit and leave the scene of an accident and a Partial Matching Tag Number - our STUPID JASPER COUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS - saw that it wouldn't be worthwhile to Prosecute -

When - Jasper County Prosecutor Theresa Kenney announced in a news conference that she was running for judge in Division 1 of the Jasper - which she Lost so is she taking her ineptness out on Jasper County - Like Biden did to Commute 37 Federal Death Row Inmates - since he was Forced out of the Presidential Election. No Matter Theresa Kenney - IS NOT DOING HER JOB.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see that crooked police department lose. If it is was clearly a crime, the prosecutor would not drop the charges. Pay close attention to who remarks that justice was not served. Those are the ones working hard to cover up the corruption. It should become more clear to all that there are some questionable actions from Carthage city hall and Carthage police department over the last couple of years. Lots of accusations and ZERO truth. More to come I hope this begins expose the corruption in Carthage!

Anonymous said...

Funny how Peterson's truck had no damage. The alleged damage on the other truck was above the wheel opening. I guess Peterson, jacked his truck up 2 feet hit the guy , lowered and repaired the damage on his truck before the police found him. ..... makes perfect sense to me.

Anonymous said...

I took plenty of it in the downstream poker room

Anonymous said...

Awesome. What a win for justice. You piss off the former police chief and city administrator, you get the trumped up kitchen sink thrown at you and then the suspect Carthage police department(under his guidance) arrest Peterson for a non moving parking lot ding. VERY QUESTIONABLE ACTIONS FROM CARTHAGE PD.
I bet the police department didn’t want to have to defend the questionable actions they were directed to do. So they most likely asked the prosecutor to drop it.
Justice wins when the falsely accused can stand up against a corrupt city call and pd and win.

Anonymous said...

The dumbest things I've heard since before last April...."just wait and see" there is "more to come." This from some of the people who are no longer on city council (good riddance TC) and from more than need to go. Pay close attention folks....those that are ok with a drunk hit and run at a bar are the same ones that have been profiting off of Carthage for years. They just got upset when a mayor and city administrator tried to stop their golden goose.

Anonymous said...

This goes to show that if you cross Greg Dagnan you will have to be willing to fight back. That guy has made a living out of falsely targeting people and ruining lives. Looks like he met his match with someone like Mark Peterson who was willing to take it to court and fight back. Take from us in Carl Junction, Greg Dagnan is starting the same BS here and we’ve had enough. He’s an absolute disgusting person. Let’s pray he moves on soon and becomes someone else’s problem.

Anonymous said...

If he didn’t hit the car why did he pay for the damage done? Juli Minor, the person whose car was hit, gave a really detailed statement about what happened and that she was happy that Mark paid for the damages

Anonymous said...

The car was hit, there was a witness, there were cameras. There was a financial exchange between Peterson and Minor. The accident happened, why the spin?

If someone hit your car and drove off I’m sure you’d want the police to help you and get your truck fixed, especially if you didn’t have a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

If “4:03” were correct, Peterson and his friends would be announcing that for sure. As is, his statement today was prefaced by saying details weren’t shared (on this being dropped) due to “personal reasons”. They went on to say it will be appropriately shared later. They would never try and protect a supposedly corrupt Police Dept. They’d want to further exonerate Peterson by letting any supposed Police corruption be precisely and immediately known and proven to the public.

What this amounts to in the strongest likelihood is Peterson or his loyal elite friends paid the victim off if they’d urge for dropping the charges and show great sympathy towards him. That’s something they’d rather not share. That fits completely with the victim’s change of tune a few weeks into all this. First they pressed charges, angry over wanting the culprit found in order to fix the damage done to their truck.

Next, though, weeks later the victim of the hit and run came to a City Council meeting to publicly state they did not want Peterson charged but only wanted their truck fixed. Why the change to a tone of sympathy and support? Money changes everything! Why that emotional display taking place in an arena uninvolved in the entire hit and run process, and before a City Council who isn’t part of the legal process? Because Peterson and his friends have always and only been about theatrics in trying to get Peterson off on all his charges. They have used the City Council. They have used City Chambers. The same thing happened when days after Peterson was charged with 5 felony counts for stealing $142K and money laundering he walked into a City Council meeting to declare his innocence. Very odd behavior, and very theatrical.

How many people charged with crimes decide to walk into City Chambers at City Council Meetings to initiate their legal defense and proclaim their innocence? The Carthage City Chambers is not the arena for his potential crimes being tried. Theatrics. Grandstanding in initiating the targeting of those who were aware of the crimes the outside forensic audit team discovered, the missing $142k and 9k gallons of fuel where he worked.

Anonymous said...

Mark is not the criminal, there are people much higher up the food chain that are the actual criminals. I think based on seeing who keeps coming out of the woodwork to defend him is where people should really be looking.

Anonymous said...

All of his defenders are in the anon section.

All of his detractors are in the public section.

Anonymous said...

No one wants to be the next to get targeted by Dagnan and his good buddies at the Carthage pd or other law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

Good for him. That would be a citation at the most. Very odd that anyone would be arrested for that type of situation. If anyone has spent any time in law enforcement you would know that the arrest was very unusual and fishy. It is always best when the truth and integrity in law enforcement and the judicial system prevails.

Anonymous said...

5:41 PM: absolutely true. most of the monosyllabic troglodytes hide behind anonymous posts versus the side that wants justice, transparency and truth to come to light. the rest of the keyboard warriors applaud people continuing to be above the law while they smoke their pipe and promise evidence against their boogyman (dagnan) while providing none.

Anonymous said...

And the Minors are kind of well known gypsies in the area, gypsies are always for sale.

Getting the truck fixed and a little extra, would get you just about anything

Anonymous said...

The evidence and everything surrounding it was a slam dunk for the prosecution

It’s pretty obvious that the people who had to give testimony decided they didn’t want to participate. That’s the only logical thing that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Mark is one of many. They’ve left him to take the fall. Hope he rats them all out.

Anonymous said...

Well, when you interview disgraced people like Jeff Stefan, Steven Hitchcock and Guy Blankenship for your hit piece on Dagnan, you’re willing to share the info but not where you heard it from.

Because everyone knows unreliable

Anonymous said...

Generally when a case is dropped a reason is given in about 48 hours give or take.

It will be interesting to see. It can only be a few things.

1. False witness testimony
2. False claim that the damage was done that evening (when it was already damaged)
3. Uncooperative witness(es)

My guess is 3. They got the truck fixed, they want no more part of it

Anonymous said...

7:03 is correct. Now, let’s think, think, think. What could possibly cause someone to no longer care to testify against someone in a hit-and-run crime?? Sore throat? Preserving vocal cords? Wallet full of money?

Anonymous said...

If you Hit my Vehicle (it doesn't matter at a Walmart, at a Club, Etc., or Whoever You are - I don't Care) and there is an Eyewitness, with a Description and Tag Number, and you leave the Scene - I am going to Fill Out a Police Report and have you Prosecuted - NO QUESTIONS ASKED - - and You are Going to Pay for the Damages and any Inconveniences I have... Plus, all you Einsteins - The First Thing Your Insurance Company is Going to Ask is - "Did You Get a Police Report", many Insurance Companies - Will Not handle a Claim without One... Wow, how do the majority of you people get through Life?

I don't care WHO YOU ARE - A Crime is a Crime - Probably he was DRUNK - and that is why Peterson - Ran, so he wouldn't pick up another Charge.

Again, STOP Defending People that Commit Crimes - It doesn't matter if you Hate Carthage, Hate the City Council, Hate the Police Department, Etc., - He Committed a Crime - even if it was on Private Property. If this happened on a Walmart Parking Lot and your Vehicle was Damaged you would want your Pound of Flesh - Peterson's Actions - Speaks Volumes for his Character - He didn't go back inside, he didn't leave a note - Peterson just drove off leaving the Scene of what he just did. Why can't you see the Truth - A Crime is a Crime - No Excuses - Stop Applauding - His Actions and the Prosecuting Attorney's Office for not doing their Jobs - Justice was Not Served - Again!!!

Anonymous said...

I wondered if he would be found guilty of a horn violation,

If You Know You Know!

Anonymous said...

Simple Process - Commit a Crime - Break the Law - Get Prosecuted.

The Prosecutors have the Discretion to continue to prosecute or drop the charges, even if the victim decides to not testify or wants the charges dropped - because of a settlement or intimidation, fear, etc., - just as we have seen in so many local cases of domestic violence - where the victims - spouse or girlfriend have dropped all the charges and the prosecutors have no witnesses or victims to support the crimes. Which is sad, because they will continue to abuse their victims.

Simple Truth - A Crime is a Crime - even if you got off because of a Technicality or Settlement. We will never know if Mark Peterson, was Drunk when he hit the vehicle and then decided on Driving Home - since he was never tested, but that type of Character / Moral Values of hitting a Parked Vehicle and then just driving off and then having to be tracked down - should tell everyone the Whole Story about Mark Peterson - - Unless you are just lacking similar Character / Moral Values yourself.

His Character / Moral Values - has nothing to do with his Victims, the City of Carthage, the Carthage City Council, or the Carthage Police Department - that is all Smoke and Mirrors - and if you think that away - you need to examine a few things - called Values!

Integrity - Doing the Right Thing Even When No One Is Watching. You either have it or you don't? We will see how Mark Peterson's next case of Stealing / Theft, Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Etc., of $142,000 plays out -

Anonymous said...

Police have no authority on accidents that happen on private property,

Anonymous said...

Stop making the Victims (Minors) - Criminals.
Stop making everything - A Carthage Conspiracy.
Stop being - Soft on Crime and Criminals.
Stop Electing and Appointing Idiots - To Local Offices.
Stop the Good-Ole-Boy - Attitudes and Loyalties to Idiots.

Carthage is the Laughing Stock of the area -

Start by being Accountable - Seek Change in this Community.

Anonymous said...

Not private property. City lot.

Anonymous said...

What I’m saying is he’s not smart enough to be doing this alone

Anonymous said...

As someone who has direct knowledge of the "forensic audit" I'll be beyond shocked if the charges are not dropped. They never planned on convicting him they just wanted him out of the way to replace with Greg's lacky. The only evidence in the audit is sloppy book keeping no more. Every dollar is accounted for.

Anonymous said...

6:43 AM - We'll never know if he was drunk because he left the scene. I suspect that is exactly why he high-tailed it out of there after hitting the Minor's truck. Mark Peterson's "values" are on full display here, regardless of this being dismissed on a technicality or a spineless prosecutor.

Anonymous said...

Have never seen a group of folks want someone to go to prison more than the angry Facebook mob wants Peterson to! I can’t think of any reason why they want him to so badly other than that it would break the legs of the arguments that they have been standing on for over a YEAR now. They have been saying that they want equality for everyone, but deep down all they want this man in prison so they can be right in the end. They don’t know him or his family, every “fact” about his cases is from another unrelated person. None of that matters. Nor does the “$142K” in “stolen funds”, all that matters is being on the right side! Disgusting people!!!

Jeff Steffen said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, law enforcement in Missouri has authority on private property, but there are limitations:

Yes, if a car hits another car in a Walmart or other local business parking lot, you should contact the police to report the accident, especially if there are injuries or significant property damage; they will handle the incident and investigate as they would with any other traffic collision.

Report to police:
Even if the accident seems minor, it's always best to report it to the police to document the incident and protect yourself legally.

Illegal activity
Police can search a private residence without a warrant if they observe illegal activity or objects in plain view.

Fleeing suspect
Police can search a private residence without a warrant if they believe the suspect is attempting to flee.

Traffic citations
Police can issue traffic citations on private property if the landowner has a written agreement with law enforcement.

Anonymous said...

You have a lot of low IQ individuals that are saying since the charges were dropped that nothing happened. It shows their bias or ignorance, and in some cases both. It happened. Video and eyewitnesses were consulted, which resulted in a sound PC statement and a charge. It was only dismissed AFTER he paid for the damages. The victim was taken care of and restitution was made....but that doesn't mean the crime wasn't committed.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t Paul Wilson use your name when he tells stories about the police department?

Because everyone knows you’re not reliable…….dont make me send hawk to kick your butt again

Anonymous said...

Guy probably had quite a bit of leftover money to fix the Minor's truck. Wonder where from? Hmm.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous cowards huh? Kinda like an entire FB page devoted to “poltics” that is full of anonymous cowards that make posts supporting criminal activity like this and disparaging those that call out this behavior?

Anonymous said...

Dang. What a mess in Carthage. This Kurt Freesen guy must totally hate Mark Pedersen. The “page” he admins is clearly out for revenge. Why would anyone spend so much time to bash another person over and over again. What did Mark do to Kurt to hurt him so bad? The longer this whole mess in Carthage goes on it looks less like factual issues and more like a group of people with hurt feeling who just can’t stop and let it go. It’s time for some Carthage people to grow up and move on. We are all tired of your bs.

Anonymous said...

He’s under indictment, so this arrest was absolutely warranted. Gotta be on good behavior when facing multiple felony charges. And innocent men don’t kick the can down the road. They get it over and done with. He continues to show just how g u i l t y he really is.

Anonymous said...

It is not difficult to connect the dots. That’s what Kirk has done. And so have others. Mark is the one taking the blame for his henchmen. There are many others involved. Have been for years. Tom Short was in his position for 25 or so years. They were quietly stealing and cleaning money behind his back. Bring in Tom’s replacement and he sniffed out corruption almost immediately. Why do you think the CCU and friends wanted Dagnan gone so badly?

Anonymous said...

It’s Kirk not Kurt, went to school with him. Blowhard Idiot bully then, more of an idiot and a bully now. Claims to be for the little man while he has lived in his parents house on Grand Avenue in Carthage. Daddy has helped him out his whole life. Too bad all this is going on, but doesn’t surprise me that he would be at the center of it all. He craves attention and for the first time has a lot of it and he is thriving.
First rate tool his entire life.

Anonymous said...

I read that pages analysis of the dropped charges. Seemed pretty fair to me.

Anonymous said...

So now the super sleuths have found that the city administrator before Dagnan was stealing money. So for 25-30 years Mayor Riley, Mayor Johnson, Mayor Woestman, Mayor Harris, and Mayor Rife dozens of members of council City attorney Dally, City Attorney Mouton, city Attorney Dally, and hundreds of city employees were not fulfilling their responsibilities in oversight and a cop who is on record as saying “I’m not the finance guy, that’s Traci Cox” uncovers the biggest conspiracy in decades. All while 20 ish or so people worth millions were making hundreds of dollars off the meager city golf course budget. Yep. Wow. I think it’s good that the hate group finally gets to explain all of the conspiracies because if they are like this one…it’s hard to defense against it.
Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Ha. I suppose Mark Elliff the financial whiz himself was in on the whole thing? Or was Greg Dagnan even smarter that the former banker, former banker, former banker, former chamber president.

Anonymous said...

5:03 you sound jealous of Kirk.
Blowhard or not, he was behind the historic recall of a city council member and knows how to get ‘er done. Take note. He’s not finished yet.

Keith said...

I'll post non-anonymous. No fear here.

1. Charges dropped is not the same as an acquittal Mr. Wilson. I'm sorry you don't understand how the justice system works, but I'm sure you can point me to an outdated book that was pulled from print for misinformation, like you have in the past. Still waiting for all of your "evidence" by the way. Nothing but crickets, but I'm sure you'll screenshot this and have a snarky post or threaten to sue me for libel or slander.

2. To this story specifically, the charges were dropped because Mark paid for the damage. The prosecutor felt that was "justice" in this case and nothing more needed to be done. The facts around the case were not disputed. He was at the bar. Employees and a signed receipt are evidence of that. He backed into a truck. Eyewitnesses corroborated this. There is video as well. The PC statement is pretty clear.

3. I will still hold to the opinion that if this was just a normal, everyday citizen the charges would not have been dropped.

4. I'm thankful for Kirk Freisen and the page he admins. Without him and that page, actual facts, issues, and ideas can be discussed. In public. No cowardly anonymous posts like other pages that can't spell. Kirk helped spearhead a movement that made Jasper County history by recalling someone that was unfit for public service in her constituents' eyes for the first time. That page has continued to bring to light things that "old Carthage" would rather people not know about. Instead of attacking the items that Kirk has brought up, his detractors can only insult him and the page, calling him a hate monger and the page a hate page. Insult is the last resort when someone has lost the debate facts and issues.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, he never ends. He was a part of an HOA in Webb and he was relentless. Completely made a mess of a good community. Thank god he’s gone back to Carthage. You people made him, he’s all yours. A lot of people are proud of ruining the lives of others. He can definitely get’r’done.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in Carthage is thankful for Kirk Friesen unless they’re part of the small elite subset, the CCU. Without Kirk, we’d still have kangaroo council. We’d still be led by the worst councilperson in city history, Tiffany Cossey. Most likely looking at a Mayor Alan Snow in our future. Terri H, who was constantly at work for Precious Moments Butcher family rather than her constituents, would be continuing in city leadership. No one would have challenged Bill Putnam’s lies, nor questioned lucrative land deals set up to benefit a few good ole former Country Club boys (a regular pattern in Carthage history). Thank God for “blow-hard”s who are driven to see corruption and abuse of city positions brought to an end. Call him all the names you want, Carthage is way better off because of his efforts and drive for the good of ALL citizens. Kirk is doing the work, exposing the wrongs, and highlighting the truth of the “other side”, which would never have been heard or discussed, when no one else could or would.

Anonymous said...

Oh juicy, tell me more about the HOA.

Did he make people follow the rules as they were written?

Or did he break rules as they were written?

Anonymous said...

5:03 I went to school with him and that’s not the guy I knew at all. He successfully made a guy by the name of Mike Richardson (rest in peace) the most popular guy in school because he felt like it, it was the most rapid rise of popularity I’ve ever witnessed. Always supported athletes of other sports, was the loudest person in the student section cheering for his classmates. He always encouraged his friends and teammates.

He was a good team mate in little league all the way through high school basketball. He was a competitor and loved to play. He didn’t drink, he was active in youth group. he was and is a good dude.

I never once saw him bully someone in school and I’ve known him since 7th grade. Of course on our teams we would give the underclassmen a hard time but never to a bully/harassment level.

Funny enough there was a guy in JR high that used to bully the crap out of him, and about 10-15 years ago I witnessed Kirk at 6’6 probably 260 LBs, treat that bully very graciously, that bully was the same size then as he was in 9th grade. Honestly I was hoping kirk would start some crap, but didn’t, he would have destroyed him and nobody would have stopped it.

Anyway, his parents may have money but they definitely didn’t lavish him with it. I’ve had many conversations with him about how his 20s and early 30s was a struggle to get going financially. Not really the talk people who have lots of money given to them ever have.

If you’re gonna attack someone, at least have something to go on.

Kirk said...

I don’t comment on these, I stay in the public comments.

But 6:57 PM, give me a break. In 2024 I was a party individual or corporately to something like 24 houses purchased. I do my deed research before I get involved in something.

The house you’re talking about was out in a “Webb city fancy” subdivision. I read the entire HOA covenants and restrictions. I was very well versed in what it said and more importantly what it didn’t say.

The HOA was upset that they never made a specific designation for short term rentals. The owner before was doing Airbnb on a very limited basis, and there were reservations left over when she sold the property.

We fulfilled the Airbnb reservations that had already been made and then stopped.

The hoa hired an attorney and I called an attorney friend. Both attorneys said I was right and the HOA bowed out. I still have the emails. I had sent an email and the documents that I had and the HOA president. The attorney for the HOA almost word for word wrote the same email to the president that I had sent weeks prior. It was dropped and I never heard a word about it again. The last Airbnb was the first weekend in June and we haven’t hosted since. We rented the house a total of 11 days in 10 months. With no incident during our ownership. We took 0 new reservations during our ownership.

Kirk said...

Thanks for the kind words, people forget, I have never had a say in any city business, I’ve never had any contracts or business with the city, never been on anything, in any capacity.

My observations are my own, and some people agree with them. Enough that I’m encouraged to keep going. It could have very easily gone the other way…….i could have posted stuff and gotten 90% backlash…….and I would have e said screw it.

Kirk said...

Conspiracies are annoying because they are almost impossible to pull off. You never know how many people are in them but they do exist. Most successful ones don’t have many people in them. It’s been proven by the FBI and other agencies that most financial crimes are lone wolf operations.

That being said, the golf course is financially thriving out of nowhere. You don’t go from being subsidized to the tune of $150k - $200k per year for the last 23 years to having a $250k profit without something being amiss.

Covid was the boom of golf, we didn’t realize that financial boom durning covid, but we are realizing a golf boom now. I don’t think it’s wrong to ask, Why?

Keith said...

Kirk, I do find it interesting that the golf course is doing so much better under the leadership of Abi Almendinger versus her predecessors. What changed?

Kirk said...

I’ll tell you where I’m at on it.

All the fighting and drama in Carthage can be pointed back to 2 major events.

Theft at CVB, and the derailing of a public/private partnership that was in the works between the city and boots motel.

I don’t believe that theft case has been adjudicated yet either.

And the financial discrepancies at the parks dept/ golf course.

The outcome on these 2 events cannot come soon enough, it will be pretty clear that when the dust settles on these 2 events it will be much easier to decide if it was Dagnan and crew in the wrong or if Mark and some others.

These 2 events bled over into how the cwep board worked and interacted with city hall. Since members of the board were friends with the accused. AND financially impacted by the derailing of the boots motel “partnership”

At this point after nearly 2+ years, we deserve to know all the details and we deserve a court case so that it’s all laid out on the table…..I’ve been told the defendant has told people that they have found they money (or at least most of it)

Declare “ready for trial” and get it over with if you have it! We can all go back to our lives.

Kirk said...

No professional opinion since I haven’t looked at the books.

But as a person who has invested in businesses and real estate projects heavily the last decade……I have personal opinions, it makes zero sense that a business or organization would go from needing subsidies and grants to maintain solvency, with “professional golf management” in place…….but when that management moves aside and you hire someone who probably knows less about a golf than I do……all the sudden they are making a huge profit. That makes zero logical sense. There’s no way to explain it away.