Six lobbyists contributed $1,500 to Sen. Gary Nodler's re-election campaign during the past three months, according to the Joplin Republican's latest filing with the Missouri Ethics Commission.
As noted earlier this week in The Turner Report, in September alone, the Joplin Republican more than doubled the amount of gifts he had received from lobbyists during the first eight months of 2005, receiving $478.50.
The Aug. 7 Turner Report noted that the senator has received much much more from lobbyists in the form of campaign contributions.
The October campaign finance disclosure form shows contributions from the following people who are registered as lobbyists:
-$100 from Gerald Grimaldi, lobbyist for Truman Medical Center. Grimaldi had contributed an additional $100 earlier. His job is listed as Truman Medical Center on the disclosure form.
-$250 from former State Representative Roy Cagle, who at one time lobbied for Enron, and who now represents the Missouri Finance Institute. Cagle is listed as a lobbyist.
-$175 from James Farrell, Ballwin, lobbyist for the city of St. Louis, the Missouri Downtown Association, and the St. Louis Zoo, among others. He is listed as a lobbyist.
-$175 from Kyna Iman, lobbyist for Missouri Southern State University. Ms. Iman, who is listed as a lobbyist, has now contributed the maximum $600 to the campaign.
-$300 from J. Scott Marrs, whose clients include the Missouri Hospital Association and St. John's Regional Medical Center. Marrs' employer is listed as Governmental Services Group. He has contributed $450 so far.
-$500 from Jack Pierce, Jefferson City, lobbyist for Humana Health Care, the Missouri State Employees Retirement System, and the Missouri Teachers Retirement System, among others. No place of employment or job is listed for Pierce.
In Nodler's July quarterly report, he listed more than $2,100 in contributions from lobbyists, and another $600 from a lobbyist's wife, a though most of them were not listed as lobbyists. More information can be found in the Aug. 7 Turner Report.
$1500 out of $49,000, sounds like lobbyists are not a substantial part of Nodler's support. Seems most of his money comes from people in his district.
Unrelated: from Drudge: Edwards teams with new owner of LGP.
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