Sunday, May 08, 2011

A Mother's Day tribute from Claire McCaskill

Sen. Claire McCaskill sent the following newsletter praising her mother:

While I have had many great teachers in my life, there has been no person who has taught me more than my mother. So much of her instruction has come at moments when I didn’t even realize I was learning.

Betty Anne McCaskill has never met a stranger, and has never failed to look past the "most important" person in the room in order to focus on the friendly face serving the meal or opening the door.

Her intellect taught me to search for knowledge, and that knowledge is a more certain path to power and security than whom you know or where you live.

My life has been full of opportunities, adventure, and accomplishments, while being surrounded by a loving and supportive family.

Some days I think about how lucky I am, and then I correct myself. It is not luck, it is my mother.

I adore you, Mom! Happy Mother's Day.


Anonymous said...

A few more years and Claire will have all the time in the world to Honor her Mother.

Anonymous said...

Did we the taxpayers have to pay for the letter Sent AIRMAIL ?