Thursday, January 23, 2014

Anonymous commenter: Joplin R-8 employees whine too much; their bosses aren't any worse than anyone else's

I thought I would share this one with you. It is a response I just posted to the article earlier this week in which I relayed Joplin R-8 Assistant Superintendent Angie Besendorfer's husband's phone message to me. 

You haven't hurt anyone with your blog. Only you have lost your job and your reputation.

 Everything you post comes off like sour grapes EXCEPT to those who have worked for and/or are currently employed by the current admin, those who wanted to work and weren't chosen or those who feel picked on by the admin.

 If you could come out of the bubble you would find the majority of all employees feel like they are unappreciated and treated unfairly by their bosses and/or the corp they work for. Most employees feel exactly like those in the R-8 system. Walmart employees? 

I work for one of the largest employers in Joplin and 95% of the employees have major gripes about many of the policies and pay scales in this company. The R-8 employees are no different than anyone else. They just seem to whine more. Probably from the amount of time they spend with children or teenagers. 

While I will acknowledge that most people have problems with their employers at one time or another, it is a gross exaggeration to say that most employees feel that way. I know many people who have great satisfaction with their jobs.

On the other hand, what this writer fails to point out is the difference between this job and most others. The private companies are not wasting millions of dollars in taxpayers' money nor are their bosses creating the type of atmosphere that is already becoming a negative factor in Joplin children's education.

And, as usual, I again have to note that while I have been writing about the different problems the Joplin R-8 Administration has caused or is causing for the past eight months or so, no one has been able to refute anything I have written.


Anonymous said...

It is true, people who can see are some times truly blind to what is right in front of them!

Anonymous said...

Why an I not surprise, This is southwest Missouri. Though you can see you are still blind!

Anonymous said...

What else isn't new, This is southwest Missouri. Blind in one eye and can't see out the other!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the writer. I don't know anyone who is totally happy with their jobs, their pay, their benefits, their managers... There is a reason there is such a small percentage of the population control 99% of the money. They make it on the backs of the middle class and the poor. Walmart is the perfect example. I don't think the employees of Joplin R-8 have it as bad as they think they do.

Anonymous said...

Why did all 3 comments say something about being blind? Very weird. Either it is the same person or 2 very unoriginal thinking followers.

Anonymous said...

I love southwest Missouri. If you don't like it - move!

Anonymous said...

The original "whiner" poster could not be further from the truth. I have worked in several school districts. Joplin, quite possibly was the worse as far as morale and the way they treat ALL EMPLOYEES AND STUDENTS. I include students because I genuinely question if you are doing "what's best for kids" then why do you treat them as lab rats? For example changing the math and reading curriculum every time someone farts out a new idea? How about your new curriculum director who came in DAILY at 810 or later, would leave a meeting, in the middle of it, to get her kid, be gone for over an hour, and maybe show up at one of her schools. Or how about that same person asking for opinions from teachers at McKinley and then in front of other faculty throwing them away saying they were "too negative". And this is the same person, that was promoted to that position who allowed 2 new teachers to fail and when another faculty member asked what they should do with their kids during RTI, she said "whatever, just baby sit them for all I care" good choice for Curriculum Director Joplin Schools. Ask those 12+ teachers that left McKinley if they are enjoying their workplace this year, guarantee the answer is a resounding YES!!! Now how about the principals at the elementary level every year having Russian Roulette played with their job, right Larry Masters? The first was Evan Mense and a long list afterwards. Or how about the former McKinley principal bragging to other colleagues that since Dr. B is gone, "she'll be large and in charge". WOW.

Anonymous said...

Whining!?!?! I don't think so. Anyone who has a child in school should come and sit in their child's classroom for one day just so they can see what really goes on. They would be surprised. The behaviors are so out of control and the students are not learning. Teachers and staff spend more time dealing with behaviors than they do teaching. Students are hurting other students and teachers. They bring guns to school, punch, kick, hit, bite, scream, destroy the classrooms, (etc., (too many to name them all)and even cuss teachers and staff out on a daily basis. It is a hostile work/learning environment. There is no support from anyone. If you don't believe it then spend one hour at McKinley and East and you'll see why teachers are worn out and your kids aren't learning. They are NOT whining, they are frustrated!

Anonymous said...

Pointing out the seedy underbelly of a school district that has a national reputation for the great things it has accomplished is not "whining" or "sour grapes." It is helping others to discover the hidden truth. As another poster mentioned, schools are funded by taxpayer dollars, so what happens at the school should be of interest to all taxpayers. Schools are also where the future begins. Anyone who cares about the future cares about schools. When inappropriate, unprofessional, and illegal things are happening at a school. people need to know. Furthermore, anyone who has spent any time in charge of a classroom should understand that issues that have been brought to light here are more then just your average workplace griping. Teachers are by necessity some of the most flexible workers out there. For the level of discontent to reach its current height, something has to be wrong. Instead of throwing teachers under the bus, perhaps you should consider what they have to deal with every day. Then ask yourself, "Could I do that?" If not, stop YOUR whining.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to "refute" conjecture, rumors and the statements of your many "unnamed sources."

Randy said...

It wouldn't be hard at all to refute unamed sources. Many of those have referred to specific things that would be easy to disprove if they were not true. They haven't been refuted because they are true. And how about all of the state, court, and even R-8 school documents, e-mails, etc. I repeat- the only method that has been used by the people who support C. J. Huff and the current R-8 Board is to make personal attacks on me and anyone else who criticizes them.