Friday, January 10, 2020

MSSU, PSU professors to discuss the rise of the imperial presidency during town hall meeting

(From Southwest Missouri Democrats)

Southwest Missouri Democrats will have a town hall meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday, January 15, at 2001 Empire, Joplin.

We will welcome Political Science Professors Darren Botello Samson (PSU) and Will Delehanty (MSSU) and History Professor Will Montz (MSSU) for a panel discussion.

Our panel of professors are attending to discuss a pertinent topic, given current events, of Impeachment and the President's actions regarding Iran. 

They will speak and answer questions about the increase in our U.S Presidential powers, the rise of the Imperial Presidency, and how Congressional oversight has been diminished over time.

If you are feeling stressed about current events we hope you can make plans to join fellow Democrats and attend our January Town Hall.

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