Saturday, June 12, 2021

God help us- Ed Emery's running for Congress

It did not take long after Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler announced she was running for U. S. Senate for the vultures to begin circling her Congressional seat.

The first vulture to land is former State Sen. Ed Emery, R-Lamar.

Emery made the following announcement Friday on his Facebook page:

It is not ambition that drives me but what I see as the clear abandonment at the federal level of Biblical principles, national heritage, common sense, and the values that have made America great. The contempt for the truth and the perversion of justice must not go on.

If, as a nation, we are to continue to enjoy the immeasurable blessings God has poured out from our country's earlies and miraculous beginnings there must be a return to those freedoms and eternal truths that have born us this far. 

With that as my vision I am to declaring my intention to run for the U.S. Congress – 4th District.

With a view first toward Heaven and a heart for my country and my family, I am committing to serving Missouri's 4th Congressional District if elected. V

ery soon we will provide information on how you can be involved in my campaign. In the meantime, if you'd like to be involved in the very first stages in any way, you may call or text me at (417) 540-1497.

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