Saturday, January 18, 2025

Agenda posted for Neosho R-5 Board of Education meeting

The Neosho R-5 Board of Education will meet 6 p.m. Monday in the Administrative Center board room.
The agenda is posted below.

I. Dinner - 5:30 p.m.
i. Recognition of Substitutes

II. Call Board Meeting to Order - 6:00 p.m.

III. Approval of the Agenda and Roll Call of Members

IV. Pledge of Allegiance

V. Special Reports and Recognitions

i. Health and PE Program
ii. FFA Program
iii. Special Services Program Report

VI. Presentations
i. Finance Update - Collyn Carey

VII. Discussion Items
i. APR Discussion

VIII. Public Participation

IX. Consent Agenda - Action Items

i. Approval of the Minutes
ii. Approval of Student Attendance
iii. Approval of Finance Reports
iv. Acceptance of Resignations
v. Employment of Personnel
vi. Approval of the New Vendor List
vii. Approval of the District Calendar
viii. Approval of Changing the Board Meeting Schedule
ix. Approval of the Budget Amendments
x. Approval of the 2024C and 2024D Policies and Procedures Updates

X. Current Action Items

XI. Informational Material - Non-Action Items

i. Input for February

XII. Executive Session
i. Sunshine Law 610.021 (3) & (13)

XIII. Adjourn

XIV. Adjourn the Executive Meeting


Anonymous said...

Does anyone really care?

Anonymous said...

Nope! TikTok is the pressing issue at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Did they ever publish the total of cost overruns on the new performing arts center?

Anonymous said...

Financials are in all board meeting agendas. They any cost adjustments. So... the answer is yes the published all costs associated with the Performing Arts Center.