The arraignment for former Carl Junction R-1 choir teacher on stalking and child pornography charges is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Wednesday in Jasper County Circuit Court in Joplin, with Judge Nicole Marie Calton presiding.
Carlton signed an order today granting local media's request to have cameras in the courtroom.
Online records do not show an attorney for Smith at this point.
Previous posts
This is going to be a very interesting case, thanks to Judge Nicole Marie Calton, for allowing cameras in the courtroom to document this. I am sure once the defendant, Craig Smith, is assigned an attorney they will try and file a motion to close the courtroom so as not to influence or bias the jury pool.
The peanut gallery will have thoughts. Some will likely be quite long winded.
And we all know who that will be 823. Very soon a very right wing post will pop up on this thread. You'll know it because it always looks the same: no less than 7 paragraphs blaming liberal judges and even blaming Joe Biden for this case. It will then have many paragraphs of random cut and paste statistics from rightwing propaganda sites to "justify and sound authoritative" of this person's misguided rightwing judgment. The problem is that it's rightwing information and it's designed to keep the magats fed with fear. It in no way represents rational belief or thought.
glad to see Dr. 5:19 is alive and gracing us with "it's" PHD wisdom.
6:52AM, Let's not forget about the Victims of any type of Sexual Abuse, or any type of Abuse and have Empathy for what has happened to them. 5:19AM, always turns into Antagonist, even when discussing anything, even Domestic Abuse, which he was lambasted by several Commentors on these Blogs for his I do not believe the Statistics, the Facts, the Truths even when present to him. What a Delusional Person.
If he has a PHD or Wisdom in anything, it is laughable, other than being a Liberal Demo and Kool-Aid Drinker, I would be surprised. Isn't his "PHD" in Piled-Higher-Deeper 💩. Does this so-called expert - ever comment on the articles/blogs or just other comments, because he can't add anything to the conversation, No Facts or Truths, even when asked to do so, multiple times to support his bazaar beliefs. Then tries to cover it all up with half-brained statements that those Facts and Truths when presented to him are "misguided rightwing judgements or rightwing information", which doesn't represent - "rational belief or thought", which is again laughable, because a lot of that Information, comes from Liberal Sources, Non-Profits, and Liberal News Services and Liberal Papers. He is just mad because Trump Won both the Electoral Vote and Popular Vote, so I would say that does represent the National and Rational Belief and Thoughts or the United States, maybe not your Liberal Leftist Democratic Views, but the Majority of America has Spoken and that is what counts.
Sometimes the Piled Higher Deeper is right in front of your nose.
I wonder if it's some sort of automated wingnut chatbot comment generator.
Emergency school board meeting tonight in Carl Junction at 6 pm who’s going and which media has the backbone to show up and ask the tough questions
And sometimes 9:04AM, you need to check yourself to see where the real smell is coming from and realize that there is truth out there even if you are afraid to accept or believe it even when it is presented to you on a silver platter.
SORRY - 5:19AM - These Are Real Facts, Real Truths, Real Statistics - WHERE ARE YOURS - These are Not Right-Wing Propaganda - Keep Your Head in the Sand and Keep Ignoring them - because this is what Liberals do - Ignore the Truths when confronted. Those are the same questions the Democrats will be asking for Years - We were leading in the Polls, and we had the Hollywood Wacko Elitist in our Pockets and $1.5 Billion Dollars to Spend how could we Lose the Elections - President, Senate, and House - LOL...
A new article on this blog was just posted -
Stella man charged with raping 5-year-old girl - by this Sick Pedophile, Chase Brandon Reed. These Victims are real just as domestic violence is real and they deserve our empathy, not to be chastised because either people like 5:19AM or others don't believe the Facts, Truths, or Statistics of Abuse - But they are Real and happen every day, sometimes to people in your family or to friends.
Lauren's Kids -
1 in 3 girls are sexually abused before the age of 18. (The Advocacy Center)
1 in 5 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. (The Advocacy Center)
1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the Internet before the age of 18. (National Children’s Alliance: Nationwide Child Abuse Statistics)
30% of sexual abuse is never reported. (Child Sex Abuse Prevention and Protection Center)
Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children age 17 and under. (Children’s Advocacy Center)
90% of child sexual abuse victims know the perpetrator in some way. (U.S. Department of Justice)
More than 10 million adults experience domestic violence annually.
22–25% of women will experience domestic violence at some point in their lives.
1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men experience sexual violence, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner.
There are 1300 deaths and 2 million injuries every year in the United States
Annual from Domestic Violence.
Where at? School only told me about Mondays meeting.
This entire post is about a pedophile. ALL of you making this about left/right, political party, etc, are disgusting.
Think of the monsters and victims here, they already exist, you don't have to keep laying out your crap to turn neighbor on neighbor, as you are doing.
Thank you! This has nothing to do with anyone other than this sick man who needs to get what he deserves. And the public should know every single person who ignored it in the CJ system!
A guy I work with brought me a newspaper from CJ today and I read the story about the situation at first break and now I feel upset enough to post after reading the story.
I have a daughter. She is in grade school. We do not live in CJ nor attend schools in CJ. If anything were to happen to her there are not enough men in the four state area to stop me from getting to the person responsible.
My anger with the CJ school board is that they allowed this child predator to retire which meant he was able to keep his certification and could have been hired by another district and continued his stalking and possibly target other kids. They chose to allow him to retire. They did not terminate. I believe they are to be held accountable.
Further reading of the same story quoted the superintendent saying it didn’t matter whether he retired or was terminated, he’s gone which is what everyone wanted. That comment makes me so angry. So irresponsible is this person in charge of the district that he doesn’t care if this child predator went elsewhere and continued his actions. He needs to be held accountable for his lack of decision making.
Then I was told today at work the superintendent is also the baseball coach and the pedophile has a son on the baseball team who is a starting pitcher and the superintendent was doing everything he could to protect the offender so his son could help the team this spring. Unbelievable. My rage and anger grows and I don’t even have anything to do with CJ, but the fact remains it could have impacted my daughter and family. Completely unacceptable.
The board meeting was last night. The minutes states: CLOSED SESSION For the Purpose of Discussion of Legal and Personnel Matters per
Section 610.021, Par. 1 and 3.
The next board meeting is January 27 at 6:15pm
Odd your statemenr about baseball, I'm new to the district and I mentioned to someone that people here will sell their kids for sports. They don't care about education or stepping on people's toes in fear it will get their kid blacklisted. The higher ups covered it for the sake of sports.
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