Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Stella man charged with raping 5-year-old girl

Chase Brandon Reed (DOB 1985), Stella, was charged Monday in Newton County Circuit Court with statutory rape and two counts of statutory sodomy involving alleged crimes against a 5-year-old girl.

The crimes took place in 2019, according to the complaint.

According to the probable cause statement, Reed denied the actions and said he would never do anything like that.


Anonymous said...

This child and other children need Justice from there abusers and see that these persecutors are put behind bars. Stop being Soft Crime and Feeling sorry for the Criminals - Feel Sorry for their Victims.

New York Post - January 22, 2025 ICE arrested 308 illegal migrants — including attempted murderer and a child molester —on Trump’s first full day in office.

Federal agents swept into sanctuary cities on President Trump’s first full day in office Tuesday — nabbing more than 300 illegal migrant criminals — including an attempted murderer and a child molester — to hold them for deportation,

Anonymous said...

I agree this man must be prosecuted and go to prison, but in case you missed it, he appears to be a white, native born American, not an immigrant.