Sunday, January 26, 2025

Burlison introduces Life at Conception Act

(From Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

On Friday, I introduced the Life at Conception Act, a bill that affirms the fundamental right to life for every human being, born and unborn.

It is a scientific fact that life begins at conception and the 14th Amendment clearly states that no state may deprive any person of life without due process.

The Life at Conception Act reaffirms the original intent of the 14th Amendment by declaring that the term ‘person’ includes all human beings from the moment of conception.

I am strongly pro-life and will always fight to protect the lives of the unborn.


Anonymous said...

Ol’ Eric needs to take a few steps back, like his hairline and respect voters across the nation and here in Missouri on what they believe is right and THAT is a WOMANS RIGHT TO CHOOSE.

Anonymous said...

Why go only half way?

Please go all the way!

Mississippi lawmaker introduces 'Contraception Begins at Erection Act'
The bill, which is unlikely to pass, would make it unlawful for “a person to discharge genetic material without the intent to fertilize an embryo.”

Anonymous said...

A common theme among Republican lawmakers is that they spend all this time talking about how we should protect the unborn, and they take all of these steps including ignoring the will of the voters who voted to codify abortion, but once these "unborn lives" they did so much to protect start being born they stop caring at all. No social programs, no free preschool, no health care, no nothing because that's all some scary buzzword like communism or whatever. Tells me they care more about pushing an agenda than they do about protecting lives.

Anonymous said...

1116, You left out the maga philosophy of open and encouraged proliferation of military grade weapons to allow the slaughter of innocent school children, parade goers, church worshipers, and unarmed innocents.

Anonymous said...

The government is not responsible to fulfill the responsibilities of the parents.

Anonymous said...

There is no right to deny your child their right to life.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, because according to the laws of Missouri, as voted by the people, we got the right to kill them babies!

Anonymous said...

Leftist Liberal Democrats, a good majority of the Population and Religious Groups still do Not believe in Abortion, because of their Beliefs - Life Begins at Conception. Yet we are told it is the Woman's Right to have an Abortion anytime they want, without having to deal with the underlying Issues of why they are getting the Abortions.

The Lie, which has been used by Abortion Groups - Still persists Today - - About Why all these Women are getting Abortions - Not Because of Rape or Incest or for Medical Reason, (which they Kept Touting), but because of their Own Promiscuity and Lack of Birth Control Usage - So they can have Unprotected Sex anytime they want and do Not have to worry about the Consequences or Inconveniences - THAT IS THE TRUTH!

According to most research, a very small percentage of abortions are due to pregnancies resulting from Rape or Incest, estimated to be less than 1% of all abortions, with some studies placing it around 0.4% of all abortions. Again, The Real Truth - 0.4% - Yet the Liberals Big Campaign was the Girls and Women were getting Raped all the Time and Abortion was the Only Solution to this Rape Problem - LIE!

Studies by the Guttmacher Institute (AGI), the world's leading Abortion Research Organization, show that only from 1 (one) percent to 3 (three) percent of all abortions are performed are for Medical Reasons, but well over 90% are performed for economic and social (“convenience”) reasons. Again, Another Lie - "Women are Dying" because they cannot have an Abortion - LIE!

Take into Fact - That these same Women who had an Abortion had a 2nd Abortions - What percentage of women have a second abortion?

Results: We found that 45% of patients reported having one or more prior abortions. Age was most strongly associated with this outcome, and patients aged 30 and older had more than two times the odds of having had a prior abortion compared with those aged 20–24. Again, Abortions are being used for "convenience" reasons - Not for Rape/Incest or Medical Reasons - Can We Deal with the Truth of Abortion and STOP LYING - About the Real Reasons of Abortion?

While the Majority of Personal Reasons for Abortion are:

Unwanted pregnancy
Inability to care for a child
Interference with education, career, or other life goals
Relationship difficulties
Age or health concerns

So, the Majority of Abortions are Not about being Raped/Incest or Medical Reasons, but for Pure - Life Convenience Issues - THAT IS THE TRUTH!

Anonymous said...

It’s the conservative way: Life begins at conception and ends at birth.

Anonymous said...

8:41, you failed to mention how any of it is your business. By the way, it is 100% NOT your business. Don't like abortion, don't get one, otherwise sit down and stay quiet.