Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Demonstrating the need for space exploration

As we anticipate the launching of the space shuttle Discovery, many ask why we are bothering. What are we getting out of space exploration. The Christian Science Monitor answered that question with a partial listing of the everyday benefits we derive from space program technology:

-Satellite TV -- NASA developed ways to correct errors in signals coming from spacecraft. Now the technology is used to reduce noise (poor picture or sound) in satellite TV signals.
-Bar coding -- First developed to help NASA keep track of millions of spacecraft parts, it is now used by stores and manufacturers to keep track of sales and stock.
-Joystick controllers -- Now used for computer games and in vehicles for people with disabilities, they evolved from research to develop a controller for the Apollo Lunar Rover and from other NASA research into how humans actually operate.
-Smoke detector -- First used in the Earth-orbiting space station Skylab, launched in 1973, to help detect toxic vapors. Now it is used in homes and buildings to warn of fire.
-Invisible braces -- The translucent ceramic was adapted from NASA's advanced ceramic research to develop tough new materials for spacecraft and aircraft.
-Cordless tools -- Portable, self-contained power tools were developed to help Apollo astronauts drill for moon samples. Today, cordless power drills, vacuum cleaners, and shrub trimmers are common.
-Portable computer -- A forerunner of the modern notebook computer was first used by NASA in a shuttle mission in 1983.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tang and velcro are two more marvels that we would not be able to survive without, and both are thanks to space exploration.