(From Sen. Bill White, R-Joplin)
On Jan. 29, Sen. Bill White appeared before the Senate Gubernatorial Appointments Committee to introduce several of his constituents who have received gubernatorial appointments.
Residents from the 32nd Senatorial District will join Missouri’s leaders in various commissions and governance boards, and one, Mark Elliff from the Carthage Chamber of Commerce, will be reappointed to the Missouri Housing Development Commission.
Former State Senator Ron Richard has been appointed to the Missouri Southern State University’s (MSSU) Board of Governors.
His record of public service is lengthy and impressive, and Mr. Richard holds a place in Missouri’s history as the only lawmaker to have served as both speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives and Senate president pro temp.

Prior to those leadership positions, he was Joplin’s mayor from 1994-1998, a four-term state representative from 2002-2010 and two-term senator from 2010-2018.
Currently, Mr. Richard owns C & N Bowling Corporation, is on the board of directors for Connect2Culture in Joplin and co-chairs the Missouri Bicentennial Commission. He returns to MSSU after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in history from the institution.
Cathy Jo Loy will serve on the Missouri Charter Public School Commission, a nine member panel formed in 2012. Mrs. Loy is a current liaison for the Southwest Missouri Homeschool Community, a member of the Joplin Area Classical Conversations and Southwest Missouri Conservative Coalition and a volunteer for Bright Futures.
Previously, she served as a chairwoman for Joplin Women’s Connection, a vice-chairwoman for the Indian Creek Elementary School’s Parent Teacher Organization and chairwoman of the Boone Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization’s events committee.
Senator White congratulates Cathy Jo Loy, her husband Clint, granddaughter Grace and daughter Ellie.

Mariann Morgan, from Checkett & Pauly, P.C. in Carthage, will also join the Missouri Southern State University’s Board of Governors.
Her experience as an attorney specializing in bankruptcy law, litigation and legal drafting will certainly pave the way to her success in this new role. Ms. Morgan is actively involved with the Carthage Community Foundation Board, McCune Brooks Healthcare Foundation and Soroptimist International of Carthage.

The governor appointed Allen Shirley of Joplin to the Missouri Advisory Council on Historical Preservation; a position he previously held for 10 years.
Mr. Shirley is currently the president of the Joplin Historical Society and has been involved on the boards of the Joplin Historical and Mineral Museum and Rader’s Farm. His “sheer love of preserving history” will be beneficial to our state’s ongoing preservation efforts.