Saturday, January 11, 2020

Ed Emery proposes more choice so parents can avoid schools where little boys go to the little girls room

Sen. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, is entering his final year in the Missouri Senate and plans to take one more shot at pushing his anti-public school agenda.

In his latest podcast, Emery invokes the image of little boys going into little girls' bathrooms, says there is one school that is pushing that concept, but does not name the school.

And it gets even worse, he said.

"There's a lot of indoctrination that's going on in some of those schools. It is likely to start going on in some of the others," Emery said, never saying it, but making it absolutely clear that he is only talking about public schools and that he is positive no indoctrination ever happens in private or religious schools unless it is the kind of indoctrination he wants.

To fight this scourge of alleged indoctrination, Emery brings up the same remedies he has advocated year after year- more parental choice and tax credits.

Not only would that help parents, he insists, but it would be a boon for Missouri's economic development.

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