Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Joplin health director- No new COVID-19 cases in Joplin, Jasper and Newton counties

As of the 11 a.m. City of Joplin  COVID-19 briefing, no new cases have been reported in the city or for all of Jasper and Newton counties, according to Health Department Director Dan Pekarek.

Pekarek continued to stress the importance of washing your hands, covering your coughs and sneezes and social distancing.

The social distancing that is being done in Joplin is doing the trick, Mayor Gary Shaw said at the beginning of the briefing.

"What you're doing is working," Shaw said.

The briefing also included information from Barbie Huff of Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD), Toby Teeter, president of Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce, reported some masks were being distributed today to places such as senior care facilities and that a larger shipment of masks is expected to arrive next week to distribute to the public.

Teeter said he and approximately 50 Joplin business people participated in a telephone call this morning from Sen. Roy Blunt, who provided them with an update.


Anonymous said...

How many negative tests were performed?


It seems like that would also be a relevant number.

They are doing lots of testing of all the right people and just not finding any positive test results. Right?

Otherwise you could not have any new cases by not performing any new tests.

Anonymous said...

I am sure they never thought of that, 3:16. Perhaps you should get down there and help them out. It seems you have a better grasp of what is going on.