Sunday, July 19, 2020

Parson ready to get kids back in school: They'll get COVID-19 and they'll get over it

During an interview on the Mark Cox show on 97.1 in St. Louis Friday, Gov. Mike Parson made it clear children have to get back into school again and yes, they will get COVID-19 "and they're gonna get over it."

From the transcript of the interview:

COX: "This week our county executive has announced that youth sports are part of the problem and that he's gonna start shutting it down effective next week. 

Now I'm going to have Dan Buck on here shortly who runs the Powerplex. He told me out of 12,000 local athletes there have been two reported cases of COVID. The facts don't back up action like this. What do you do when you see local politicians overreacting to this situation?"

Parson: "Yeah you gotta stop. Again there's data out there, there's scientific evidence now of who this affects and who it doesn't, and kids are the least likely to have a problem with this. "

The complex you're talking about I actually toured and what a fantastic opportunity to have for youth. But look, these kids gotta get back to school, they're at the lowest risk possible and if they do get COVID-19, which they will, and they will when they go to school, they're not going to the hospitals, they're not going to have to set in doctor's offices, they're going to go home, and they're gonna get over it and most of it all proves out to be that way if you look at the science of it. 

"And we gotta get real with that and realize that you know we gotta move forward. The risk of not getting youth involved in activities, the risk of not putting them back in school, I guarantee you will create more problems than the virus will ever think about creating, long term for our state. So we gotta figure this out and we gotta get a balance but we gotta get life back to normal as we can get it there."


Unknown said...

This scared me to death !!!! I a parent I have buried 2 baby's a year apart ...most worst fear is to have to do this again !!! I also have bad health already so that makes this even worse for me if I get infected because my children bring it home to me #!! I lost my uncle Jerry to covid and it's heartbreaking ... Try making them kids wear mask and social distance away from the friends ....i need options to teach them at home !!!! Any suggestions

Unknown said...

This is scarey ...i don't want any child to get this ...and I sure will not sign a death waiver for my boys ..just saying

Anonymous said...

Parsons is doing nothing more than running Trump's scorched earth policy. Do whatever it takes to get those kids back in school so their parents can get back to work and get this economy going. They are more than happy to sacrifice a few kids, teachers and parents so long as it gives them an economy to point at for their re-election. Some parents will watch their children die, some children will watch their parents die and schools will see teachers die. But, by Gawd, we will have some semblance of an economy. Greedy wretched fools.

Unknown said...

I have grandkids in school and I think keeping them out of school is worse than the chance they’ll get the virus. There are too many reports and misleading information about how it affects children. I personally don’t think they should masks for sure. Fear is affecting everyone and causing more trouble. It’s time to start living again like normal people instead of listening to every negative word these fear mongers spread.
There are two reasons the cases are showing higher. One, there is lots of testing now and two, there’s lots of lies and corruption in the reports of the testing. We just need to step out in faith and see the storm is down to a shower now.

Anonymous said...

Nice work Guvnuh.

Should stayed in school a little longer to be better edumacted about this science type stuff.

Anonymous said...

The kids may get over it, but they'll bring it home to their grandparents, who might not.

Anonymous said...

at Unknown: Do you also believe a pregnancy test causes pregnancy?

Do you not understand that children can carry this home to their parents? Do you not understand actual facts? Not the Fox News alternative facts, but actual scientific facts. The only lies being peddled right now are coming from your orange "god" in the White House.