Saturday, August 15, 2020

Billy Long: Defunding police, abolishing DHS and ICE are outlandish, ridiculous proposals

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

Thanks to the rise of the “progressive” movement, mainstream Democrats have embraced agendas that are consistently more radical. 

At first, the Democrats wanted the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be abolished, then they wanted to defund the police. Now, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a radical left-wing organization, is calling to dissolve the Department of Homeland Security, insisting DHS is “a failed experiment” that has become a “badge of shame." 

If Democrats believe that these extreme suggestions are reasonable, they have completely lost touch with the American people and are in desperate need of a reality check. 

Congress created DHS after September 11th to for tify homeland security by unifying various government agencies under one umbrella. Yet the ACLU believes the relatively young agency should be eradicated despite rapidly evolving threat environments. 

The ACLU’s bold proclamation comes after DHS personnel were deployed to Portland, Oregon to calm out of control protests that devolved into violent riots. What the ACLU and many like-minded Democrats fail to acknowledge is that federal action was required to disperse the violent protests only after Democratic mayors and governors stood idly by as the rioters posed serious danger to their fellow citizens. 

Short of letting these so-called “peaceful protestors” burn a federal courthouse to the ground or a police sub-station with policeman inside, President Trump had no choice but to send federal personnel into these lawless areas to restore order.

Perhaps what is most alarming about this latest rallying cry is that it demonstrates a growing trend. In 2018, Democrats began calling for ICE to be dismantled in response to the president’s efforts to address our broken immigration system. 

Following the inexcusable death of George Floyd and a recent string of violent protests erupting in our cities, Democrats called to defund the police, and now they want to dismantle DHS. 

Rather than addressing the actual problems in each instance, they think dismantling entire agencies will appropriately address violent riots and antiquated immigration policies.

It is reckless to consider defunding the police or eliminating agencies simply because they do not align with the radical wishes of the loudest leftist voices, and Democrats would be wise not to give in to pressure from their more extreme counterparts. 

Democrats have consistently fought President Trump at every turn and have demonstrated that they want him to fail no matter the cost. They have avoided working with Republicans and President Trump to find legislative solutions for our overrun immigration system or to pursue police reform, far more focused on pointing fingers than finding a solution. 

Defunding the police and abolishing DHS and ICE are outlandish and ridiculous proposals, and I will see to it that they are regarded as such in the halls of Congress.


Anonymous said...

Here we go. The republicans are desperate to rally their rather pathetic followers into a frenzy trying to get people to believe all these government agencies now infested with thugs are going to be eliminated. What about letting us know how you feel about real issues: like keeping the postal service free of thugs like Trump donors, helping the those without healthcare, trying to establish a living wage, protecting workers rights to a safe workplace, cleaning up versus dirtying up the environment and providing a viable solution for long living immigrants a path to citizenship. Real stuff and stop trying to blow things out of proportion with your divisive crap and do what your job description says, work for the citizens, all citizens. Cheap trick

Anonymous said...

If it oinks like a pig and

If it squeals like a pig and

If it's always feeding at them expensive steakhouses in Las Vegas then

That there might be one of them