Thursday, February 22, 2024

Joplin man shot to death, sister charged with two counts of murder following robbery gone bad

A Springfield woman, who is a former Joplin resident, and a Springfield man are being held in the Greene County Jail without bond on second degree murder charges following the deaths of two people, including her brother, in an alleged robbery gone bad.

The Greene County Prosecuting Attorney's office filed the murder counts, as well as single counts of attempted robbery and armed criminal action against Tarrin Dicks, 19, Joplin, and Izaiah Crabb, 18, Springfield.

According to Crabb's probable cause statement, the deaths occurred during a botched attempt to steal marijuana. Dicks, Crabb, Trevin Dicks, 21, Joplin, Reggie Carey, 19, Springfield, and a juvenile were in an SUV driven into Springfield by Trevin Dicks and believed to be a rental.

Crabb (pictured left) and the juvenile got out of the vehicle, Trevin Dicks and Carey stationed themselves in the rear cargo area of the vehicle. The plan, Crabb told the police, was for Tarrin Dicks to meet with the man they planned to rob and for the others to surprise him.

From Crabb's probable cause statement:

Suspect 1 (the robbery victim got into {Tarrin Dicks'} vehicle passenger seat, not noticing anyone else in the vehicle other than {Dicks}who was in the driver’s seat. {She} started driving and Suspect #1 asked what she was doing. {Dicks} stated she was going around the corner to “handle some business.” 

As {Dicks} pulled the vehicle onto Erie, she stopped the vehicle. Two males, {Trevin Dicks and Carey}, jumped out from the rear cargo area of the SUV. The deceased individuals displayed a rifle and a handgun. 

Suspect #1 struggled with one of the deceased over the rifle which was fired by the deceased person. Suspect #1, who was armed with a semiautomatic handgun, pulled his handgun and fired multiple times, approximately 6 times, into the back passenger area of the vehicle toward the deceased persons.

Suspect #1 got out of the vehicle and fled on foot back to his apartment. Suspect #1 saw Suspect 2 who had been inside the apartment coming outside. 

{They} fled the area on foot before meeting up with Witness #1 who they called and asked to meet them at Rapid Robert's. Suspect #1 showed detectives his messages with {Tarrin Dicks}. The messages indicated Suspect #1 and {Tarrin Dicks} were meeting up with each other and planned to smoke marijuana together. 

Suspect #2 stated he was inside Suspect #1’s apartment. Suspect #1 told Suspect #2 he was going outside to meet someone. Suspect #2 heard gunshots a short time later. Suspect #2 ran outside to the parking lot. Suspect #2 fired shots from his gun at the vehicle as Suspect #1 fled from the vehicle, after hearing gunshots coming from the vehicle. 

Crabb told police he and the juvenile were supposed to come to the car and assist Trevin Dicks and Carey with the robbery, then they would split the marijuana with them and Tarrin Dicks, according to the probable cause statement.

The death of Trevin Dicks came only 16 days after the Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's office charged him and Ross Donald Bush (DOB 2003) with assault, unlawful use of a weapon and armed criminal action in connection with a February 2 incident in which Dicks allegedly fired an AR-15 and Bush a handgun at two people in Carthage.



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Anonymous said...

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Anonymous said...

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"

Sometimes the answer is- they don't learn.

From an incident described in police as happening September 2019:

Ryan Mace-Canterbury, Trevin Dicks and Cayden Garvin have been charged after Missouri police say they robbed a man and posted video of it to Snapchat. Joplin Police Department

Three teens force man to strip, rob him — and put video on Snapchat, Missouri cops say

Anonymous said...

Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

@5:33 They learned a lesson as old as time.

Anonymous said...

Tarrin Dicks and Izaiah Crabb - should spend the rest of their lives in Jail. There Selfish Greed and use of Marijuana - and a Bunch of Misguided Thoughts will see their Life is Over.

Time for them to be Served Tough Justice from the Judges, Prosecuting Attorneys, and Juror - No More Slaps on the Wrist, No More Get Out of Jail Free Cards, No More Backroom Courthouse Deals, and No More Probation - We have got to Start Removing Criminals from our Society and making them Pay and Sacrifice for what they have done.

Criminals have said for years that Marijuana is a Victimless Crime, even today as States ratify to give everyone the ability to Buy it for any Medical Situation they can make up.
Though, this Victimless Crime - still requires people to Buy the Drugs from Legal Dispensaries the Problem is you still need a Medical Card and Money - - Where do you think these Criminals get this Money to Feed their Newly Found Legal Habit - - Robbing, Stealing, and Break-Ins - So Do you really think Marijuana is a Victimless Substance???

Anonymous said...

@5:24 is here on nearly every post spouting his 2A nonsense. There is no well regulated militia, and you don't understand the constitution.

Anonymous said...

what is your opinion on alcohol?

Anonymous said...

You don't need a medical card in Missouri. As a disabled veteran who knows 1st hand how mmj helps with ptsd and related symptoms. The problem isn't with legal dispensaries the problem is with these punks and black market garbage going around laced with who knows what. I for one am glad I can buy from a legal regulated place and know what's in what I take. People aren't out here robbing and breaking in for mmj that would be methamphetamine and the new drug all over Joplin and Springfield Heroin / Fentanyl !

Anonymous said...

@4:51 has been eating wall candy I think.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like criminal minds caused their own death. These two should be incarcerated for many years, so they cannot harm anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic! Over weed?? How effing stupid!! 4 more thugs off the streets of what was once a great city!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - 9:12 AM - No I and others are Tired and Feed-Up with Criminals and their Acts of Crimes in our Society - - Whether they are Distributing, Manufacturing, or Selling - Drugs of any kind - Prescription, Non-Prescription, Weed, Whatever.

A good majority of these Individuals - Rob, Steal, Break into Peoples Properties - to get items to Sell or Pawn for the Money to Feed and Pay for their Lifestyle, Addictions or Criminals Enterprises.

They need to be held accountable - - If you have ever been a Victim of this Criminal Act - Maybe you would realize that Society is Tired of it - - and we want Hard Justice for them.

Anonymous said...

@4:58 The most dangerous thing about weed is getting caught with it. If it were legal, as it should be, it would be victimless.

Anonymous said...

Izaiah crabb should not spend the rest of his life in jail. He made a mistake and told the truth, he didn't kill no one and yal wanna act like he did. Izaiah isn't the criminal yal make him out to be. He was around the wrong crowd. But ultimately he is a good kid. A youngster that loves his family and always protected them and they miss him.