Thursday, September 07, 2023

Today would have been Doug Ringler's 38th birthday

If you lived in Carthage in December 1993, you undoubtedly have vivid memories of the events of the final week of the year when the city was searching for Douglas Ryan Ringler, 8, a second grader at Hawthorne Elementary who had vanished.

Parents had nightmares of a stranger kidnapping one of their children and flyers circulated all over the city with his school photo.

That school photo was on display several days later when Doug's funeral was held at BYKOTA Church. His burnt body had been discovered in a field in Fort Scott, Kansas.

It was no stranger who killed him, but a man named Terry Cupp, a man who was considered to be a family friend. Cupp is serving a life sentence.

Today would have been Doug Ringler's 38th birthday.

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