Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hearing held for former Carthage parks director in stealing, money laundering case

Former Carthage Parks Director Mark Peterson was back in court for a pre-trial conference October 7 on three counts of stealing and two counts of money laundering.

Jasper County Circuit Court online records indicate Peterson was represented by attorney Brian Glades while the state was represented by Assistant Attorney General Michael Schaefer.

The next hearing, either for pretrial motions or for a change of plea is scheduled for 9 a.m. January 22.

A pre-trial conference for a misdemeanor leaving the scene of an accident charge against Peterson is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday.

More information about the charges against Peterson can be found at the links below:

The Turner Report: Former Carthage Parks Director charged with stealing $142,000, money laundering (

The Turner Report: Former Carthage parks director charged with leaving the scene after accident in bar parking lot (


Anonymous said...

There was no contract or verbal agreement for Mark Peterson to abscond with $142,000 from the Carthage Parks.

An accounting firm, BerganKDV, was contacted in reference to a forensic audit of the city accounts and subpoena information that had been obtained for Mark Peterson.

BerganKDV later sent a Summary Report for their findings. Through the course of the forensic audit it was determined that there had been multiple areas throughout the city bank accounts, related to the Carthage Golf Course, that had funds missing. There were discrepancies between cash sales/checks deposited, tournament checks deposited, and gift card purchases/transactions.

He setup multiple Bank Accounts to try and hide his money laundering efforts.

Is his attorney Brian Glades, going to say - "His Client, Mark Peterson thought the money was for the taking"? Cannot wait to see what "Spin" he is going to put on these charges.

I am sure that Glades will file multiple continuances until they can figure out a repayment plan back and see if the prosecuting attorney will give him lenience for returning some of money and a get out jail free card.

Anonymous said...

Glades keeps delaying in hopes that Mayor Rife will be impeached and the pro-tem, snakey Alan Snow, and the council, will drop the charges against Peterson as the aggrieved party. But as the case against Peterson is now federal, it’s not going to matter anyway.

Anonymous said...

Delay, Delay - Glade's Job is to keep his Client out of Jail as long as possible and by any means. This could take well into 2025 before - before he goes to a jury trial or pleads it out, hoping for a deal. Especially if Mark Peterson and Glades can present any viable reason to Steal $142,000, Open Multiple Bank Accounts to Money Laundry, and buy Cryptocurrency - while a Forensic Accounting Firm audited the Shortages in the Cities Accounts that Peterson was in charge of. Does not look good for Mark Peterson - but other Criminals have gotten off on worse charges.

I would hope the City of Carthage has Fraud Insurance and they seek Civil Actions on his Assets to cover this large amount, so the Taxpayers of Jasper County and City of Carthage does not have to be on the hook for this large amount.

Anonymous said...

Look forward to seeing this great man exonerated and will be intetesting to see if the media and naysayers vindicate him with the same fervor as they have to try and take him down.

Anonymous said...

A grand jury gave the green light to the FBI to pursue a federal case against Peterson and his accomplices. Today was their fourth visit to town. If he wants to avoid 15 years in federal prison, he needs to start talking and stop delaying. Can you spell RICO?

Anonymous said...

6:24PM - I don't know the Kool-Aid your Drinking - but you definitely have.

Opening Multiple Bank Accounts to Deposit the Stolen Money In, Buying Cryptocurrencies' with it - No Contract or any Other Agreement from the City.
Do you Think they were just going to give him $142,000 as a Raise or Incentive for hitting a Golf Ball - Please!!! Even a Third-Party Forensic Accounting Firm Verified the Missing Funds, and it has all pointed back to Mark Peterson.

Hope you and other idiots - are not in the jury pool if this goes to trial - so he gets off - when the TRUTH is Right in Front of You. I am sure that he will try and Plead this out - No Where does Carthage give up $142,000 - to a Bonafide Greens Keeper. Maybe we should start Calling this the Caddyshack Mysteries.

Keep Drinking the Kool-Aid if you think Mark Peterson - is going to come out of this innocent - then there is no justice.

Anonymous said...

Did a 3rd party “verify” or did they question? I have been a part agreed upon procedures for decades and verify is a requirement of the entity being audited. The auditor will question and provide guidance. I am very confident the verification part will sit in the hands of the PD and city finance and accounting of the city. Significant difference. Some of you super sleuths should do a bit more research before you act like you know what you’re talking about. Although, this is anonymous, so you have that going for you.

Anonymous said...

Word is that KF has personal issues with Peterson from long ago and is obviously using this a fuel for a personal vendetta. Love watching this quest for unwarranted revenge play out like he lost a leg. KF is literally the laughing stock of Carthage. What an embarrassment he must be for his family! When his kids turn 18 they'll bolt for Fargo and change their name.

Anonymous said...

Imagine that...someone using delay tactics. Maybe a page out of Rife's playbook?

Anonymous said...

I very much doubt that KF has the ability to direct local, state and federal law enforcement.

If anything, he is helping keep people in place until the completion of this trial. If Mark didn’t do anything, he should have no fear of facing the justice system. It’s very fair to the accused. It’s much more difficult on the victim and prosecution

Anonymous said...

2:03PM - If you go back and Read - Here is a Copy of the Statement Probably Cause Document for Mark Peterson - which you can Clearly Read - where BerganKDV - Verified the Missing Funds thru their Audit of Statements, Deposits, and Bank Accounts.

If any of you - Mark Peterson - Supporters can Read this Probably Cause Statement and Still Think he is Innocent - You are Plain - Delusional.

Copy / Paste this in your Browser and Please Read the Truth -

An accounting firm, BerganKDV, was contacted in reference to a forensic audit of the city accounts and subpoena information that had been obtained for Mark Peterson. BerganKDV later sent a Summary Report for their findings. Through the course of the forensic audit it was determined that
there had been multiple areas throughout the city bank accounts, related to the Carthage Golf Course, that had funds missing. There were discrepancies between cash sales/checks deposited, tournament checks deposited, and gift card purchases/transactions. The amount missing from the city bank
account that was the largest was for golf tournaments paid during the years of 2020-2022. The city did not have $90,844.00 dollars deposited into the expected city account. The bank accounts belonging to Mark Peterson during the same time period had $91,896.73 additional dollars deposited
into them with no explanation as to why there was such a large increase in his personal accounts (receipts, payroll changes, etc.).

The amount of missing funds from the city bank account that was reported by the point of sale software as gift cards was $14,225.67 dollars during the project period of 2020-2022.

The amount of missing funds from the city bank account that was reported by the point of sale software as cash sales for day to day golf services at the Carthage Golf Course was $37,392.82 dollars.

The point of sale software, transaction documentation, gift cards, credit/debit sales, and cash/check sales were all examined for the time period of 2020-2022. The total amount of money that was not
deposited into City of Carthage bank accounts relating to the Carthage Golf Course was $142,462.49.

A review of Peterson’s personal bank accounts and “Mark Peterson DBA Petes Pro Shop” accounts showed large deposits, frequent transfers between the accounts, and several large purchases of
cryptocurrency that correlated to the missing funds from the City of Carthage during the same time frame that was reviewed by BerganKDV.

Anonymous said...

Peterson will walk. You the the delusional one obsessed with things that don't even concern you. Or how about you explain your actions? You don't live in Carthage. This like a perceived Robin Hood thing? You trying to be Aaron Brockovich? Caped crusader? These folks are innocent, but even if they aren't, there are exponentially worse people out there and you take these on? You are a sorry excuse for a human and it's mindblowing you beat out millions of other spern to be conceived.

Anonymous said...

This was funny and I commend the humor, but Rife’s perceived delays have all happened after Petersons actual delays