Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Jasper County Sheriff shares thoughts on trip to the U. S.-Mexico border

(The following article was written by Jasper County Sheriff Randee Kaiser and was posted on the Sheriff's Office Facebook page.)

I wanted to share with you some of my observations from a trip I made to the border during the third week of November 2024. I went on this trip along with Newton County Sheriff Chris Jennings and Newton County Sheriff-elect Matt Stewart, Joplin Police Chief Rich Pearson, and Missouri State Senator Jill Carter.

We have all heard the stories about the cartel members and criminals who have been crossing our border at an alarming rate over these recent years, but there is a lot more to this story. This is a story of American citizens whose lives have been seriously disrupted to the point of having to abandon multi-generational ranches near the border out of fear for their safety.

What we don’t hear about are the men who have been raising cattle on their Texas ranches their entire lives, just as their fathers and grandfathers before them, who now, instead of enjoying their remaining years tending to their ranches and enjoying the company of their grandchildren, have to be concerned daily about caravaning cartel members, bearing gang tattoos from some of the most dangerous gangs in the world. When he goes out to check his cattle, he routinely finds the dead bodies of people who succumbed to the unforgiving Texas heat while on their journey across his property.

We don’t hear stories about deputies who go out to their patrol cars to start their shift and find an envelope under the windshield wiper. Inside the envelope are instructions that he should have his shift meeting at a certain location at a certain time to clear the path for cartel activities. Sometimes inside the envelope is money, other times a picture of his wife and kids. The message is clear.

These are the stories that we don’t often hear about. Stories about the cartel threatening and intimidating law enforcement, citizens, and local government officials. Law enforcement officers have to consider the consequences of taking enforcement action and what it might mean if the cartel were to retaliate.

While visiting with Goliad County Sheriff Roy Boyd (pictured above) he used the term “invasion at the southern border”. When I first heard this, I thought to myself that maybe this was a little bit of an overstatement. After just two days of meeting with Sheriffs and citizens of these border counties, I realized this is not an overstatement at all. In fact, it doesn’t go far enough to describe the severity of this situation.

Sheriff Boyd was one of the first to declare an invasion in July of 2022. He then helped form and now heads up the very successful Operation Lone Star Task Force, a multi-agency unit designed to disrupt cartel operations.

While policy changes are certainly on the horizon, we will still be experiencing the repercussions of this “invasion” for many years to come. Missouri Sheriffs along with legislators like Senator Carter will be pushing this coming year for policies that will help to hold those illegal immigrants accountable that come into Missouri and commit crimes against our citizens.

I am glad that Texas has Sheriffs like Roy Boyd who are willing to stand up and fight this problem when others do not. It exemplifies the importance of the role of the Sheriff in our society. Sheriffs truly are the first and last lines of defense, when everything else breaks down, when all else fails, Sheriffs can be counted on to serve their communities and continue the fight against anyone that threatens the sanctity of our constitutional rights as Americans.


Jonathan Dresner said...

Do you know why we don't hear those stories? Seriously, what a credulous fool.

Anonymous said...

More right wingnut conspiracy theories for the average white male to fear.

Anonymous said...

Not surprising that there will be comments like above. I'm sure you 2 will never make a trip there and witness it 1st hand.

Anonymous said...

5:27AM, First of all are you even a Male? Second do you Lock Your Doors - WHY? To Protect - Yourself, Your Family, and Your Assets, from Individuals that would Rob, Steal, Hurt, and even Kill You and Your Family. Well, we have a Problem - with Illegal Aliens - On our Southern Border it is Exposed and Completely Open - Biden and Harris did Not want to Close and Lock the Doors.

Since Biden and Harris came into Office a Total of about 10 million - Illegal Aliens have entered into our Country - 10 million. Biden and Harris sure as Hell aren't Inviting them to their Houses or to Thanksgiving are they - they are Pawning them off on the States to - House, Feed, Educate, give Free Medical and Jobs - Yes, the States are having to Deal with all these Illegal Aliens on a Day-to-Day Basis.

The Plight of the Illegal Aliens is Terrible and should be the Focus of the Countries they are coming from. There are Legal Processes in coming to this Country - and becoming a US Citizen. We should not allow Shortcuts.

It should not be the Responsibility of the United States to allow them Free Access to our Country, then Feed them, then Clothes them, then Provide Housing, Education, Jobs, and Medical for them?

Plus, how do we know which ones are Terrorists, Fugitives, working for the Cartel, Drug Carriers, or Just want to Rob and Steal from you and cause you and your family harm, and what if you had to face this type of life on a daily basis - that you would have your House Broken into or you and your Family in harm's way, because your Current President wants to just let everyone in our Country to try and Build up more Voters for the Democrats?

So, 5:27AM, just because you are not immediately having your House broken into or your Family in Harm's way - doesn't mean that there is not a Crisis that the US is facing, and putting your Head in the Sand as Biden and Harris have done for the last 4-Years has caused the US many problems.

It is always Funny that Democrats, like 5:27AM, when Confronted with the Truth - all have Rose Colored or Blinders On and then begin name calling - "Wingnut Conspiracy Theories" - When the Truth is Presented, and it is Documented that Biden and Harris - Let in 10-Million Illegal Aliens that we are all having to Pay for.

Encounters under Biden and Harris total about 10 million - USA Today!

All you have to do is Google and Read - Yet Democrats do not want to see the Truth in Black and White - they just want to Deny, Deny, Deny - Which is why they Lost the Election - Afraid to pull their Heads Out of the Sand and Other Regions!!!

Anonymous said...

8:36, 5:27 Yet you both believed in the Russian collusion against Trump, I bet you also believed the Covid Vax kept you from getting Covid, Just grabbing at the low hanging fruit, but I can give you many more. How can you still believe the mainstream media, they have been proven liars many many times. If you don’t like Trump no problem, I don’t like Harris, she blew through, 1.5 billion dollars in 107 days and owes 20 million. We can disagree, that is a benefit of the First Amendment, I believe that was the First Amendment because it was the most important. God Bless America and hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

People who want open borders should put some skin in the game and host some illegals, give them food and shelter etc.
When we need to take care of our Vets first, and never forget what they have done on our behalf.

Anonymous said...

Slight correction to my previous Anonymous comment, "I'm sure you 2 will never make a trip there and witness it 1st hand." What I meant to say was I'm sure you'll never make a trip to the border to then hear other people who were already there tell you THEIR stories about the migrant invasion *still second hand.* Maybe you're not students of logic like myself, but everyone knows physical proximity increases the veracity of testimony. So it's easier to believe the claims of someone when they are located nearer to the place they allege the events took place- way different than hearing the same stories way up in Missouri. I mean how can you even argue with the Sherriff, who saw WITH HIS OWN EYES, another cop tell him that he saw WITH HIS OWN EYES, a rancher who told him he saw WITH HIS OWN EYES a couple dead bodies every time he was just trying to check ole granpappy's cattle? Bodies with tattoos, no less.

Anonymous said...

Again, the Motto for the Democrats, has to be - Deny, Deny, and Don't Listen 🤷‍♂️ to the Truth and try and make everyone else believe their Lies. I am afraid the Mainstream Voters and even the Minorities are figuring out their Lies and False Promises that the Democrats keep telling, with No Change on the Horizon. If the Dems keep up the same Strategy - there will be No Democrats in the Senate or the House. 👍👍👍

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone - 🦃

Anonymous said...

Oh, contrare to all you conspiracy loving white nationalist on this thread. I have indeed been witness to the border, both to your hideous wall that looks a giant zit on the face of human decency, and for you all who fall prey to right wing propaganda coming from right wing magats, what else would you seriously hear? I have lived in sight of the hideous wall and I can tell you that there are issues, made more profound by the egregiously narcissistic control your master has over his mindless minions that prevented bipartisan passage of a bill to address the issue. Having said that, your maga members are currently exaggerating the narrative to drum up more fear for support of the heinous immigrant roundup that will never work. Get ready for another broken promise from trump to go along, among many others, such as "mexico will pay for the wall". What a loser. And you followers are gullible schmucks.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I live in sight of wind turbines that are not green energy, no possible way they could be installed with private sector money and be profitable. I’d rather look at a wall all day long, I wouldn’t have to hear the blades turning, wouldn’t have to see the lights flashing at night. And know that they only have a 20 year life span and then they will left to rust and fall apart. Liberty utilities you are worthless….
And fools that signed up your land for lease, we know your a sellout, glad I don’t need the money that bad. Your being fed crumbs by signing their contract..,

Anonymous said...

11:15AM, As a Democrat you come from the Party of Broken Promises and Lies and the Name Calling - OMG - What Sore Losers as Usual. Who Won the Presidency, the Senate, and the House - The American People are Tired of the Democrats - the Lies and Never Ever Accomplishing Anything - Very Simple to Understand - We cannot support 10-Million more Illegal Aliens that came in during the Biden and Harris Administration, especially with all the other Democratic Welfare Programs - this Country is Paying for. Simple Solution - You Want to Eat then you Work - You want to Buy a House or Rent you Work. The Democrats just want to Print Money and at $36 Trillion Dollars in Debt we cannot afford any more Deadbeats - GO TO WORK - and Stop Living Off the Government - Which is Funded by Hardworking Taxpaying Americans - Not Illegal Aliens or Groups that won't get a Job.

Anonymous said...

The blue wave arrives at midterms in 2yrs. In 4 years America rises out of its trump funk and elects Pete Buttigeige as the first gay married president. Get used to it magat world, the reality of your ignorance based decisions are about to be fully witnessed by the entire world. Shameful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mayor Pete: No felonies, rape charges, or obsessions over putin and other dictators. A president we ALL can be proud of!

Anonymous said...

Just so we are clear the woman (Harris)that raised 1.5 billion dollars and ended up 20 million in dept was going to fix the US economy…..

Anonymous said...

And your 34x charged felon and rapist is going to "stop the American carnage?" Mr law and order is an abomination to justice and freedom.

Anonymous said...

Why are elected officials and a police chief from SWMO in Texas visiting the border? I hope it wasn’t on the taxpayers dime.
Clean up your mess in your city and counties.
Criminals running rampant here with our homegrown terrorists and y’all are on border wasting taxpayers money.

Also, don’t forget Sheriff Kaiser, that farm land was once owned by Mexico, which was forcibly taken from them, so get off your patriotic high horse.

Anonymous said...

4:23 not convicted not guilty looks like Hunter was going to be sentenced but daddy just pardoned him after he said he wouldn’t multiple times. That should tell you something about the last 4 years

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the hispanic population of Carthage? It’s right next to the sheriffs dept.
Once owned by Mexico get over it…

Anonymous said...

405 So you go to the border to learn how to speak Spanish?

Get over what? The chicken is coming home to roost.

Wasting taxpayers money to pacify their simpleton constituents.

Anonymous said...

512, There was no way in hell hunter was going to get a fair trial with trumps version (gestopo) of his weaponized DOJ running the show. Face it, trump and maga has delegitimized the country and entire political system into a circus poop show. We're all up schitts creek the next 4 years. No name calling here, just facts.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with 946, no way he or any democrat gets a fair trial in a trump doj. I would done same. Unfortunately, trump will conflate this as being equal to releasing and pardoning all the treasonous deplorables of 1/6. Fascism in full view.

Anonymous said...

But Biden’s version of his weaponized DOJ was just fine for you. We are just about out of schitts creek thankfully. I love that you dems are so scared of Trump it’s like being scared of your own shadow, pointless. America First

Anonymous said...

549 is quite confused and misguided. 34 felonies, millions owed for civil suits for sexual assaults, clinically diagnosed as a narcissist by over 25,000 professional psychologists. What else is there to say that 549 can deny about his master? One more fact 549, notice there's no talk of a stolen election by the dems, this in spite of there being less difference in the number of votes between Harris and trump than Biden and trump. There was no stolen election this year or in 2020. Get over it 549. In 4 years your master will be nothing more than a recorded mistake in history.

Anonymous said...

Does Jasper County, MO border Mexico? Last time I checked it doesn't.