Saturday, November 16, 2024

Lamar police chief resigns to take Newton County chief deputy position

Lamar Police Chief Joe Moore announced his resignation effective December 13 to take a position as Newton County Sheriff's Office chief deputy.

Moore, a former Joplin Police Department officer, has been Lamar police chief since June 1, 2020, when he replaced another former JPD officer Rusty Rives, who took a position as Lamar's assistant city administrator.

Moore retired January 24, 2020 after 20 years with the Joplin Police Department.  He has more than 28 years of law enforcement experience and served in the U. S. Marines.

During his time in Joplin, he served in Uniformed Operations, Investigations, Professional Standards, and Support Services. 

Moore also served as a firearms instructor, SWAT officer, field training officer, internal affairs investigator, and training coordinator.


Anonymous said...

Good hire. Nothing against NCSO but they really need to improve the training and capabilities of the office. I think a leadership change may help and I really hope they get a law enforcement tax on the ballot to help update.

Anonymous said...

They have a tax