The allegations are spelled out in the probable cause statement:
RPl advised he was contacted by Involved Other 1 (IOl), who is a former board member. RPl advised he was told the bank accounts for the Village have some irregular activity. RPl advised the Village uses Southwest Missouri Bank. RPl advised that he responded to the bank and retrieved bank records for the past several months.
Rpl turned over the records, which consisted of several pages. The records show several transactions made by Katrina Gourley, who is the Village Treasurer.
Some examples are on 08/08/2022, Ms. Gourley transferred money to CashApp four different times for a total of $4500.00, on 08/15/20202 four times for a total of $3100.00, on 09/01/2022 four times for a total of $500.00, on 09/02/2022 six times for a total of $1200.00, on 09/06/2022 ten times for a total of $3500.00, and many more.
RPl had what he advised were minutes from a board meeting that never occurred. He advised he received the minutes from the Principal at Stapleton Elementary School. He advised the minutes were made up and used by Ms. Gourley when she presented a check to Stapleton School.
RPl also had with him a check that was written to Stapleton Elementary School. The check had been cashed. The number on the check is 1787 for $4,798.00. RPl advised the check was signed by Offender 2 (OF2) and Involved Other 2 (102). 102 advised he signed the check at the request of Katrina Gourley. 102 advised the check was not filled out when he signed it, and that Mrs. Gourley told him it was for office supplies.
The Principal advised Ms. Gourley is the head of the PTO. The Principal advised he received the check from Ms. Gourley along with a copy of the minutes from the Village Board meeting. The Principal advised Ms. Gourley brought the check to the school. The check was payment for a fundraiser that Ms. Gourley was in charge of.
After reviewing the records that I was given from Shoal Creek Drive Village, I was able to add the amount of money that was sent from the Village Bank account to "Katrina OW" using CashApp. The dates are from 08/02/2022-09/19/2022 for a total of approximately $27,075.
After talking with IOl, I learned that a check was written to OF2 in the amount of $417.31. Check number 1728, date 06/30/2022. The check has a signature that looked like IOl signed it, however IOl advised she did not sign that check.
I have tried numerous times to contact the suspect in this case. This case will be forwarded to the Newton County Prosecutors Office for further disposition.
The case was investigated by the Newton County Sheriff's Office.
How many times has this happened in the last 12 months? Seriously cities get you shit together, require 2 signatures for any purchase, don’t allow credit cards and 2 signatures to do any type of monetary transaction. It’s that freaking simple
Obviously 2 signatures at the same time not shuffled through another individual
Not again!
We can't make Uhmerrya grate again by stealing the money!
Yes, Here we go again. Another Non-Profit who did not follow, Simple Accounting and Auditing Rules, allowing a Single Party to Control everything, and now you have $27,000 Missing.
Katrina Lynn Gourley, is part of a long list of local Fraudsters who continue to steal money from Non-Profits. Lock them up and let them do Jail Time, No More Slaps on the Wrist or Probation - The Courts need to Send a Clear Signal to these People that Steal.
A monthly Audit Report, with Bank Statements / Credit Card Statements / Expense Report with Copies of the Receipts should be given to the Board Members for review. Review and Monitor -
Every Purchase or Expense needs to have an accompanied Receipt as part of the monthly Audit Report.
All Checks should be required to have two signatures.
Third Party Review and Audits of all the Accounts and Records.
Let me guess? The casinos got it! They are a blight on society. Red man's revenge.
7:01 Good idea. Seems reasonable. One might suggest starting with Newton County.
8:31 I bet your right, that’s exactly why I voted against sports betting and the other casinos, there is surely enough places to loose your money already
not really
That is why we need more Gambling Casinos, Sports Betting, Cannabis Shops or Marijuana Outlets, on every Corner to help further entice more stealing and crimes to pay for people's vices. Then throw in Meth and other Drugs to help cause more thefts.
Shoal creek Drive board of directors are all responsible for their laziness. Same thing happened in Leawood but was over $250k. He walked, they had mercy on him because he was old. Such special treatment. Oh and Joplin School Board and Chief financial officer who allowed CJ to waste, we really don’t know how much. It’s sickening. Oh and Mark Rohr and Wallace Bajjali and that mess. Lying Ron OBrien and the baseball team we did not need or want. Don’t forget Mike Woolston and Four State Home Builders making a fortune on insider info. The library built on RENTED land. People, white collar crime is allowed, just accept it. They all walk just like that orange thing, lol, what a mess.
I wouldn't move here. I was Steve Owen's neighbor, local village trustee. Him and his wife and the Stapleton Elementary principal embezzled from the Village, stealing local tax dollars from the only 330ish lots on the village. About 120 bucks from every household. He also votes against bringing the area into the Joplin sewage system even though he knows at least dozens of septics overflow constantly and can't be updated. The sewage ends up in Shoal Creek, where 85% of local drinking water originates. He's also stalked me, along with his county coroner father and local law enforcement because I'm the whistleblower that reported his unethical behavior. He also recorded me chasing my puppy that got loose while I was in my pajamas and used his official capacity to share that video with the local community online and at meetings stating I was yelling at him and not my dog. He's corrupt and a pervert. Local prosecuting attorney has lied to me and obstructed my efforts to gain witness protections to protect this man. They're all gross. Live somewhere else.
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