State election laws limit the amount that one organization, business, or individual contributor can donate to a candidate, but there are ways of getting around that...and the Missouri Hospital Association (MHA) knows all of them.
That much is obvious from a quick examination of the October quarterly filing by Governor Matt Blunt's campaign, which was filed today with the Missouri Ethics Commission. The limit for the gubernatorial campaign is $1,200.
Contributing to the governor's re-election bid, albeit three years early were:
-Missouri Hospital Association $1,200
-Missouri Hospital Association Central District $1,200
-Missouri Hospital Association Northwest District $1,200
-Missouri Hospital Association Southeast District $1,200
-Missouri Hospital Association Southwest District $1,200
-Missouri Hospital Association St. Louis District $1,200
As if that $7,200 wasn't enough, MHA's stable of registered lobbyists also added to Blunt's coffers, although none of them were listed as lobbyists and one was listed as a homemaker. Those contributing were: Mary Becker (listed as homemaker) $600, Michael Dunaway $1,200, Dwight Fine $600, Daniel Landon, $600, Marc Smith, $600, Gerald Sill $600. All except Ms. Becker were listed as Missouri Hospital Association.
Others whose place of employment was listed as Missouri Hospital Association, but who are not registered lobbyists are; Donna Kuetsler $500, and Kathleen Poff $600.
The MHA lobbyists were not the only ones to contribute to the governor during the past three months. A review of the disclosure forms matched against the state's registered lobbyist list shows 11 lobbyists contributing, with the number sure to increase before the next election. An earlier Turner Report examination of Blunt campaign finance records showed that he received more than $100,000 from registered lobbyists during the two years before the 2004 gubernatorial election.
In addition to MHA lobbyists, those contributing to Blunt during the last quarter were:
-John Bardgett, lobbyist whose work is generally listed as being for John Bardgett and Associates, though he is registered as a lobbyist for numerous interests, $1,200
-John Bardgett & Associates, $1,200
-Kelly Gillespie, Missouri Biotechnology Association, $1,000
-James R. Moody, numerous health and gambling interests, $600
-David Overfelt, Missouri Grocers Association, Missouri Retailers Association, $400.
Of the 11 lobbyists who contributed to Blunt, only one, Overfelt, is listed as a lobbyist on the campaign disclosure forms.
Local politicians also did their bit for the governor. The campaign committees for Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, and Rep. Bryan Stevenson, R-Webb City, each contributed the maximum $1,200.
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