Saturday, August 03, 2013

General revenue collections down in Missouri

(From the Missouri State Budget Director)

State Budget Director Linda Luebbering announced today that July 2013 net general revenue collections decreased 4.8 percent compared to July 2012, from $505.7 million last year to $481.4 million this year.


Individual income tax collections
  • Increased 0.2 percent for the year, from $341.3 million last year to $341.9 million this year.
Sales and use tax collections
  • Increased 4.0 percent for the year from $145.4 million last year to $151.3 million this year.
Corporate income and corporate franchise tax collections
  • Increased 10.4 percent for the year, from $16.8 million last year to $18.6 million this year.
All other collections
  • Decreased 72.5 percent for the year, from $56.0 million last year to $15.4 million this year.
  • Decreased 15.1 percent for the year, from $53.7 million last year to $45.6 million this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just run with the press release? I wish there was a news source that would read the releases and ask questions rather than just post the release. The headline says "revenue down," but all categories of income tax are up, and there was less paid out in refunds. The only thing that could make the entire year's revenue be down is the 72% drop in the "Other" category.
That's not informative. What's in that category, and why is it down so much?