All Rep. Steve Hunter, R-Joplin, (2005 and 2003 photos shown from left) needs to reach the $3,000 mark in lobbyists gifts is to record another $98.39 worth in November and December.
The crown prince of special interests collected $115 in meals, food and beverage from lobbyist Michael G. Winter on Oct. 18, according to a disclosure form filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission. The form detailing who exactly Winter was representing has not yet been posted on the Commission website, but he represents Ameren, the Missouri Riverboat Gaming Association, and a number of health care interests, all of which is right up Hunter's alley.
Hunter, as has been noted in The Turner Report, tops all Missouri legislators, Democrat and Republican, in gifts received during 2005. Ethics Commission documents show he has received more gifts, $1,036.74 worth, since the 2005 legislative session ended, than two-thirds of legislators have received for the entire year.
It should be noted that in addition to the nearly $3,000 worth of gifts he has received from lobbyists, Hunter is essentially a paid lobbyist working for Associated Industries of Missouri.
Hunter was one of only two area legislators who was reported receiving any gifts in October. The other was State Senator Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, who received $110 worth of entertainment from University of Missouri lobbyist Stephen C. Knorr. Nodler has received $881.05 total this year, including $406 since the legislative session concluded.
It's amazing what a trip to the hair dresser can do. Kiss those grey's away!
who needs one picture when you can have two...
you talk about spending since the legislative session concluded, I bet you mean in May and that you didn't take into account that the legislature was in session half of September, any meals legilators attended during that session would have appeared in Sept. Of course you wouldn't print stuff thats not true, like September spending was after the sessionm when of course it was during the sessions ....or would you?
Isn't the hair comparison a low blow?
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