Rep. Ray Salva, D-Independence, who is driving once again after a Cole County Circuit Court Judge stayed the revocation of Salva's license, authored a bill in 2005 which would have weakened the state's point system and prevent licenses from being revoked for those convicted of offenses that did not occur while driving motor vehicles.
Under Salva's bill, a person driving a watercraft or a tractor while intoxicated could have killed someone, but it would not have affected their ability to have a Missouri driver's license.
HB 201, the first bill offered by Salva during the 2005 session, called for the following:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of revenue shall not suspend or revoke the license of any driver or assess any points against the license of a driver for any offense which is committed by a driver who is operating any type of vehicle other than a motor vehicle as defined in section 302.010, including but not limited to nonmotorized vehicles, farm equipment, or watercraft.
Salva was arrested Feb. 23 for driving while intoxicated. His next hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. March 27 in Cole County Circuit Court.
young teacher
What about the Joplin/Jasper County mess in the drug taskforce? You have not written anything about this yet.
Now be reasonable, when has the poor old guy got time to write about local police scandals when he is so busy taking risky stands against drunk drivers and engaging in his bizarre Nodler fetish?
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