Of the six state representatives regularly covered by this blog, only one, Kevin Wilson, R-Neosho voted with the majority to reject HB 808, tagged the Betty L. Thompson Scholarship Program, but actually a thinly veiled effort to open the door for vouchers in Missouri.
Rep. Ron Richard, R-Joplin, joined the bill's four local co-sponsors, Ed Emery, R-Lamar, Steve Hunter, R-Joplin, Marilyn Ruestman, R-Joplin, and Bryan Stevenson, R-Webb City, on the bottom end of the 96-62 vote.
Randy, some of your loyal readers are upset with the increasingly political/liberal nature of your blog.
Since when does reporting what happens in Jefferson City make this blog Political/liberal? Had the tide been going the other way toward the far right, would it have been an acceptable blog?
Randy good job on reporting the attack on public schools.When you shine the light into darkness it can not exist.
It's not liberal to support public schools it is however american!!
People, this may be hard to swallow for the right wing nuts in the Joplin area, but LIBERAL is not a dirty word, and neither is political. I'm sick and tired of having right-wing extremist views poured down my throat. Cheers to Randy for standing up for the truth. I see nothing right nor left about this blog. It simply points out the truth.
People around here are extreme. Maryilyn Ruestman is extreme. She needs to go.
But there are those of us who are even liberal that simply hate politics. Politics and politicians are a boring mess of foul people who use the rest of us for their gain, and that is not even the sad part. The sad thing is there is nothing that can be done to stop it, I have been very active in politics and it is never going to reform so to keep hashing over the same old things, different players of course, is just depressing and gives me a feeling of hopelessness. I have seen up and comings who were out to rid Jeffereson City of everything foul and 6 months later they stank more than the one before them, there is no cure for any of this, reforms are only ways to put it in committee so it will die. Now I am so depressed my weekend is ruined, guess I'll just go get drunk, but not drive!!!
It just sounds like Kevin isn't really interested in solving some of the worst educational problems - he just wants to preen and pander for another vote....I admire those willing to stand up and try to find a solution for the kids, no matter where they live
Sorry, Randy, you need to take off your blinders.
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