The Sunday Joplin Globe featured an advertisement for a morning anchor for KOAM. Is Doreen Scanlon the latest morning anchor for the station to move on to better things? Starting with the first duo, Toby Cook and Andy Carson right up through Lori Prichard and Sarah Pierik, that post has been a steppingstone to better things.
KOAM is either very good at recruitment or training or both. Their Morning Show has been a hot property since they were the first to launch Morning News locally.
How long was she there? Six months or a year at the most?
KOAM Morning Show hot property? .......I don't think so.
Until Doreen came on board it has been an utter snooze fest.
I do think Doreen is quite good however and I think she can do much better than this market.
Its' too bad in her time at KOAM they couldn't get a better picture. She looks constipated and b/w? It looks like it was taken with a camera phone.
Time flies -- she was here for about two years.
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