Plans are moving ahead for next Saturday's signing for my novel, Devil's Messenger. I am scheduled to be at Hastings Books, Music and Video in Joplin from 3 p.m. until at least 9 p.m. and quite possibly longer. I appreciate the good folks at Hastings for inviting me to have another signing so soon after the one held there on April 21.
I am planning on having a drawing for a copy of Small Town News, my first novel, and another for Devil's Messenger. If I have them on time, I will also have drawings for Natural Disaster CDs. (That's the band I'm in, not hurricanes or tornadoes.)
I am tentatively scheduled to talk about Devil's Messenger during a segment of Hometown Today on KSN Friday morning. I will try to have more information for you about that appearance.
How about instead of more information, we get less?
Many blogs exist that never mention my book at all. Feel free to try them out.
I enjoy the info on your books. Keep it coming!
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