Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Obama smooth, McCain overdoing "my friends"

The cool demeanor which some of Barack Obama's detractors have criticized in the past is suiting him well during the debate.

While McCain, an old pro at the town hall format, is doing well, Obama has been his equal and perhaps even better as he has calmly explained how each thing he says affects the average American, exactly what he must do to come out the winner tonight.

On another note, McCain's use of "my friends," is becoming far more irritating than endearing.


Anonymous said...

I just want to scream you are not "my friend". He definitely needs a new term of endearment!

Anonymous said...

Me and "my friends" made a drinking game out it. Every time he said "my friends," or a close variation of it, we would have a shoot of Jack. By the end of the night we were all blitzed.