Thursday, July 02, 2009

Billy Long: Time for a change from professional politicians

The United States needs a break from politicians who jump from one office to another, never knowing what it is like to run a business or pay bills, Seventh District Congressional candidate Billy Long told KSGF's Vincent David Jericho during an interview this morning.

"They've never met a payroll. They don't know what it is," Long said. Long, who runs an auctioneering business, added. "We have to elect businesspeople to D. C." He pointed out that 36 percent of Congressmen are attorneys, and many others are people who have never done anything but move from one government office to another.

Long said he thought a person with the "right set of goals and conservative values" can pull it off.

He described himself as not being "book smart but I have a lot of common sense."

Long's opposition in the Republican primary includes Sen. Jack Goodman, R-Mount Vernon, and Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin.

Long said his style was a plus and compared himself to Ronald Reagan. "He was a salesman. I am a salesman. He did it with humor, I do it with humor."

In response to a listener text message question about the fair tax proposal, Long said, "I am very much in favor of the fair tax. The fair tax is the best program out there I have seen."


Kathee Baird said...

I worked with Billy Long for a long time at a radio station in Springfield.

He doesn't know a stranger....what you see, is what you get.

I wish him luck in the race!

Timeshare Jake said...

You have been linked at Billy Long is Wrong. Are you sure Billy Long isn't a professional politician?