Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rove, Romney, McConnell among Republican bigwigs who contributed to Blunt

It's not just the Missouri GOP that is lining up behind Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt as he works to sew up the Republican nomination for U. S. Senate.

Blunt's quarterly report, filed earlier this month with the Federal Election Commission, makes it clear that Blunt is receiving considerable support from national GOP figures, as well.

Karl Rove, Fox News commentator and former strategist for President George W. Bush, contributed $1,000, while Fred Fielding, who served as counsel to the president under President Bush and President Nixon (and at one time was considered to be a top suspect to be Deep Throat, Bob Woodward's Watergate informant) also gave $1,000.

Janet Ashcroft, wife of former Attorney General John Ashcroft, contributed $4,800, while KITPAC, the leadership committee established by the man Blunt wants to replace, Kit Bond, gave the maximum $10,000, $5,000 each for the primary and general election campaigns.

Blunt also received sizable contributions from the leadership PACs of some of the best known Republicans in the country, including:

-$5,000 from Sen. Mitch McConnell's Bluegrass PAC
-$4,672.52 from former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's Free Strong America PAC
-$5,000 from former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert's Keep Our Mission (formerly Keep Our Majority) PAC
-$1,000 from Sen. Lindsey Graham's Fund for America's Future PAC

Blunt's PAC total also includes thouaands from his House colleagues.

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