Saturday, January 08, 2011

BIlly Long: "Our thoughts and prayers with Giffords family

/Politicmo has reactions of Missouri officials to the shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords including this one from Seventh District Congressman Billy Long:

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Gabrielle Giffords and her Staff – horrific tragedy.”


Thank you, Tea Baggers! said...

Well, thanks, Billy! You and Sarah Palin, and the Tea Baggers who make it acceptable to spew hateful vindictive against progressive Democrats, even to the point of encouraging violence ... nice work! Sarah Palin's clever ad, showing all the progressive Democrats she deems worthy of targeting, actually pictured in the cross-hairs of a rifle sight, wow what an effective image! Soon it'll be perfectly acceptable to blast away at anyone to the left of Cotton Mather! (Look 'im up, Cretans!) Then it'll be ok to burn their houses and businesses, then to gather them into concentration camps. Then you'll have it just the way you want it.
Just keep following the plan of seventy years ago, folks. You're doing great so far!

I'm moving to Canada.

Anonymous said...

The shooting today was tragic and awful. My prayers go out to the victims and their family and friends.
Anyone who condones such behavior is insane whether they are conservative, liberal, moderate, or any other political affiliation. Mr. Long is a good person and has NEVER condoned such behavior! Anyone trying to make such a tragic event political is disgusting. And I say that to all sides of the debate. The actions of a disturbed 22 year old do not come from the political philosophy of the tea party or any member in the 112th Congress.

I also just read on Politico that Congresswoman Giffords is awake in her hospital room. She and her loved ones remain in my prayers as she recovers.

Anonymous said...

To "Thank you Tea Baggers". The hateful vindictive language comes from both sides. We don't know what motivated the shooter but Congresswoman Giffords is not a progressive or liberal democrat. The Congresswoman is a blue dog democrat that opposed much of the Obama agenda. If the shooter was politically motivated it is as likely that he came from the left as from the right. Your last comment says so much about what you think. I want to keep the plan from 210 years ago not 70. Your dislike of our country and its heritage is contepmtable. The United States with all its problems and challenges is doing great compared to the rest of the world. You don’t appreciate the greatness of the United States this country provides more freedom and a better life than any other place on this planet, so have a nice move to Canada, I wish you would go.

Anonymous said...

Tea Bagger,

Your move to Canada will increase the IQ level of both countries.
May I help you pack?

Anonymous said...

First of all, it is the liberals who are the biggest hate mongering, conspiracy pushing group on the planet. You two idiots on here who start blaming conservatives or right-wingers for something like this are just foolish and continue to contribute to the problems of America and cannot offer solutions. No party caused this kind of will probably find out that there are very deep-rooted issues with this guy when the story comes out. Put the blame where it belongs, on this INDIVIDUAL! Get a freaking clue. These are good people who were shot and killed. They put in a lot of time to try and make their government better even if we don't always agree with them. This kind of talk is just foolish.

Jessica said...

The blame does belong on the individual, totally. But at the same time I hope Sarah Palin realizes how tasteless her cross-hairs map really is. Guns are for hunting, protecting your life, and maybe, just maybe, protecting your property; not political foes! A member of her staff is trying to say this the cross-hairs are like those of any map, and not to be affiliated with guns. If you're so confident that the two are unrelated why did you remove the cross-hairs map after the shooting?

Anonymous said...

Here's the critical point. Schizophrenics are highly suggestible. Family and acquaintences of them can usually tell when one is descending into his/her own paranoid-delusional world by many signs, but one of the most telling is frequently when he or she spends time alone watching television and engaging in shouting matches with the folks on the news. The daily vitriolic rhetoric found on cable news, talk radio and particularly Fox News are especially aggitating. Often he/she will become verbally abusive and eventually have a full blown psychotic episode where he is living according to the demons in his head and not external reality.
Loughner was likely clinically insane and at some level is probably not truly responsible for his actions in the usual sense. If so, he needs treatment more than justice. But I will not be the least bit surprised if the general climate of hatred and violence in the Right helped move him from being merely mentally ill to murderous given his mental illness.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to a local newspaper in Az.:

If you read the quotes from those who knew him and classmates he is described as a "left-wing Pothead", Left-wing not Right-wing. Those who seek to blame Sarah Palin and Tea pary got it all wrong. So you left-wingers look in the mirror, according to those who knew him, he is one of you.

Anonymous said...

For some reason the link won't enter here but you can find it on the Drudge report:

Anonymous said...

here within lies the problem.
"if you don't agree with me, you are wrong and i will destroy you"
where do we go from here?
well, i don't think we are going to enjoy where we are going!

Anonymous said...

You have to keep in mind the phony christian conservatives always have their "God" on their side. Anyone that questions them is unpatriotic, and unacceptable.

I'm glad I'm not in their shoes, I don't want them ever praying for me.

Life goes on and the republican rhetoric will only get worse. I still don't understand how it is so terribly wrong to provide healthcare for those that can't afford it. We are the only civilized country in the world that has a political party that doesn't give one damn about the less fortunate.

They are always so quick to quote their WWJD thing, how soon they forget.