Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Man gives life to save wife from Joplin tornado


Dorothy Potter Snyder said...

That poor dear woman. My heart breaks with hers and any of us who are lucky to be loved that well by someone is devastated along with her. We send love to her and are glad that she is alive.

Anonymous said...

This is such a sad story that played out on TV last evening. One of many stories, this is just one that we know about.

It brings out the best in mankind. No one should have to go through what this young lady has faced.

Our thoughts are with her and the hundreds of other good people thrust into similiar situations.

No one said life was easy.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to them. Not my prayers. Prayers are for people who seek self-pity, beggers and are ashamed of their future or current situation and/or circumstances when these people are victims and have nothing to be ashamed of because the situation and circumstances were beyond their control. Why do people always put GOD into every tragic situation? The? is where was GOD when this was happening, on vacation? The fact is, GOD is powerless here on earth. And who cares about this supposed spiritual life when your already dead. Do you know of anyone whose ever come back from this pipe dream of an afterlife and spoke about it? C’mon, not even on Oprah?!
Think about it. Where was GOD during slavery, War of 1812, Civil War, WWI, WWII, Auschwitz, Dachau, civil rights movement, Vietnam war, Korean war, 9/11, Operation freedom(Iran/Irag) War, Operation Enduring Freedom(Afghanistan)War, Hurricane Katrina, Indonesian Tsunami, Earthquake in Japan, recent waves of deadly tornadoes in the heartland, when your house was being foreclosed, car repossessed, when you were praying for the winning #’s to the Powerball/Mega Millions to save everything, when your Dad/Mom wasn’t around when you were growing up, when your husband left you for his mistress, when your boyfriend/girlfriend cheated on you or (w/your best friend), when you were being bullied, beat-up, sodomized, raped, murdered, kidnapped, robbed, stabbed, carjacked, a hostage, adulterer, fornicator, viewing pornography adult/child, abused, neglected, stealing, lying, dishonest, a victim of domestic violence, plane crash, car crash, home invasion, identity theft, incarcerated, molested by the Catholic Priest in Catholic School etc. But yet we want to interject GOD always after the fact. If you could foretell that something was going to happen and you did nothing to prevent it or stop it, aren’t you considered an accomplice of the crime. In this case, wouldn’t be murder! I mean after all, aren’t you the Alpha and Omega responsible for all thing’s??
She’s right, her husband was the hero as are those who have lost their lives, perished and sacrificed their lives in these situations and circumstances, who help, protect and for the survival of other’s/mankind when JESUS/GOD was absent, and for that alone I applaud your husband and my heart goes out to you and your family.
Your responsible for your own energy and no one can complete you. Yet people are still convinced that were suppose to be God-fearing and pray to him who has done nothing physical in the reality world.