Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Carthage Emergency Management report- No COVID-19 in Jasper, adjoining counties at this point

(From the Carthage Fire Department)

Subject: Covid- 19

Carthage Emergency Manager Report

Carthage Emergency Management is presently monitoring all information coming forward from all reliable sources. We are continually monitoring all information from the State especially from our SEMA Region D Coordinator.

Carthage and other area agencies’ EOCs are presently in monitoring mode. All Jasper County and Region D EOCs are logging into WEB EOC and communicating actions or issues in their jurisdictions.

Currently no reports of Covid-19 cases in Jasper County or any connecting counties have been reported.

This is a Health Department/Medical event and will be driven by principals of those entities in this area. As this develops, it will become our responsibility to assist those entities in any way that they have need.

At some point depending upon possible escalation of this event, we will most likely see a fully operational EOC. Carthage will attempt to operate alongside of Jasper County to insure we have everything in place.

The Police Department and Fire Department have already begun to do what they can to minimize any ill effect to our operations or community. We continue to do as much as we can for as long as we can to provide service to the community. We have been told that we may receive supplies of PPE in a short time to aid with any response needs in the future.

At this point steps to eliminate exposure is critical to controlling the spread of this virus. Social distancing will be an important factor in reducing the threat. Remember to stay 6 feet apart, do not gather in large groups, and especially stay away from those most vulnerable, like the elderly or those with weak immune systems.

Continue to wash your hands, keep your hands away from your face, and cover your month if you cough. Limit travel especially where the virus has been known to be more prevalent. If you are sick with fever, cough, respiratory issues, STAY HOME.

At this point, there is no vaccine or treatment that will help with this virus so we have no other option but to take the directives that we have been given and do our best to isolate and hopefully lower the curve of spread. Most of us will recover if we get this virus but unfortunately, the weak may not. Let us do all we can to reduce the spread of this for the sake of all those that we love. God Bless This Country.


Fire Chief/Emergency Manager

Roger Williams


Anonymous said...

Thanks to all the Republicants in charge!

Anonymous said...

"Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job"