Friday, July 17, 2020

Hartzler rips protesters- What our country has witnessed the last several weeks has not been peaceful

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

Last week, I discussed the disgraceful treatment faced by our national guardsmen by rioters with Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley at a House Armed Services Committee hearing. 

What our country has witnessed over the last several weeks has not been peaceful. 

Our brave men and women in uniform serve with a fundamental sense of patriotic purpose to defend our country and to defend the values we embrace. 

Not only do I want to commend our national guardsmen for their bravery and service to our country and communities, but I also want to wholeheartedly condemn the violence by rioters. 

These riots, which saw people shooting fireworks and throwing stones, bricks, and frozen water bottles at our guardsmen, are the exact opposite of the peaceful assembly protected by our First Amendment. They deserve punishment, not adulation.


Anonymous said...

You're cherry-picking your info, lady. I went to protests in Pittsburg and in Joplin. No problems here. People were hanging out, talking with the cops. Yes, things got out of hand elsewhere, and I condemn that. Are you willing to condemn the violent deaths that led to the protests? Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time you came to the front line for citizens in need. Your party of ultra-rich are full of corrupt persons: Blunt and children, Greitens, The president fore most, his children, his cabinet and appointees, and never ending list of women and children abusers as seen by his list of pals and antics at beauty shows. Last and not least is his cuddling up to Putin and the Russian government backed money launderers.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw this head line I thought it was going to be about condeming these antima protesters that are acting out around the area. These people seem to be a little crazy and possibly dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Well Hartzler, What our country has witnessed the last several weeks has been a so called president that turns a traitorous, blind eye to his buddy Putin paying bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American soldiers. We have also witnessed this orange wretch ignore the facts and science as to how Covid-19 is spreading like wildfire through this nation. 140,000 dead from this pandemic, yet he wants to hide the numbers, lie to us and tell us it's under control. We have witnessed Trump's fascist secret police try to intimidate protestors while he holds up a bible he's never ready to sucker his hypocritical evangelicals and illiterate cultists.

Where's your stand on any of these issues, or is that OK since he's republican?