Sunday, January 03, 2021

KZRG becomes part of radical socialist conspiracy, Proud Boys going to Washington D. C.

The first thing that caught my eye when I was skimming through news items today was an article that said the Proud Boys were going to Washington, but they were going to be incognito.

What happened to being proud?

Of course, they will have to disguise themselves without using masks, or that would be another blow to their pride.

Considering the behavior of Proud Boys at recent Neosho City Council meetings and many other venues, I would just as soon they stay in Washington, incognito, in the rain, anywhere except in southwest Missouri.


This afternoon, I came across the audio, first released by the Washington Post, in which you can clearly hear our "law and order" president breaking the laws while giving orders.

President Trump, without providing one iota of evidence tells Georgia's secretary of state to get him 11,780 votes so he can win Georgia. (The two audios accompanying this post feature a 4:52 snippet of the portion of the conversation where the president was pushing the secretary of state to change the vote total and the complete conversation, lasting more than one hour, to answer any fool who will quickly claim it is taken out of context.

You can note the part where President Trump says he won every single state.

Naturally, one of the first places I go when I come across a news item like this is the KZRG Facebook page, where many people genuinely believe anyone in government who opposes President Trump is either a member of the Deep State, a RINO or God help them, a member of the mainstream media.

Here is a sampling of KZRG comments in italic, followed by my comments.

Pretty good chance that statement was taken completely out of context.

See what I mean.

After another commenter criticized KZRG for using a link from the Hill, which that commenter considered to be a biased source, other, more rational people, posted links to the same story (and audio) on the Washington Post, AP News and CBS News, that did not satisfy some diehard Trump supporters, including this one:

So they go from The Hill to AP News, CBS News, & WP? Really NewsTalk KZRG, Almost all these so called News organizations piggyback off of each others made up stories! I thought you guys were better than this!

He has a point. Everyone knows if it isn't on Breitbart, Gateway Pundit or NewsMax, it is not real. Fox News is yesterday's news because every once in a while Fox acknowledges Joe Biden will be our next president.

Almost like there’s only one story for every news outlet to report on..

He has a point. Since when is it a big news story for the president of the United States to pressure a secretary of state from his own party to changing the outcome of an election? After all, these are the same news organizations who seem to think COVID-19 is a big story.

KZRG, you're showing your true colors , you need to start doing some research, you know like a real journalist should, the truth is out there, this is not it. SMH! Good grief you're in the middle of Trump Country.

Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Brian Kilmeade- KZRG knows it is in the middle of Trump Country and provides the fan fiction to keep the flames burning.

I would like GA to find all the legal votes and get rid of those not.

Everyone knows you can't just stop at three recounts. You have to keep going until you don't have any more of those pesky Biden votes.

Fake news!

Translation- "I'm a Proud Boy and someday I will be a Proud Man."

I also question why KZRG would post "headlines" without fully verifying sources. But that's the media today, they are for ratings and banking that people won't research the facts. Using their influence of personal opinions to keep it stirred up. Shame on them and shame on us for making it easy.

That's what happens when those radical Marxist Socialists take over our media.


Anonymous said...

All this prophecied in advance! In the book of Moron!

Brian said...

The fear mongering about the proud boys I'm seeing lately reminds me of the Russia hoax. White supremacist is just code for people who don't agree with dems.
There is more than enough proof, that doesn't matter to people who don't want to hear it.
I'm not a proud boy, but I support their right to assemble just as much as BLM or any other group. This is still America if we can keep it.
Randy, I know that you are smart enough to realize that it's an audit that the president is pushing for. You can recount fraudulent votes a thousand times, it doesn't make them legitimate. If there was no fraud, why are the democrats and RINOS so afraid of an audit. The burden of proof is on them, not the president or the American people.

Anonymous said...

Newton County voted 80 to 19 percent Trump over Biden. Randy of course hates the people and powers that be in this area, and so they got rid of him both in the local media and the school district. Now he sits holed up in his apartment scared of the local wildlife and the virus, blogging away like a clueless Boomer over the demise of the social order which made him so very unhappy, all of which is fine.

What with the end of fracking and cheap fossil fuel and of living wage jobs and the fact that most of us have nothing in common with other areas of the decaying empire Randy is all annoyed that most of us will not accept the results of the fraudulent [s]election in which a Trumpslide was subverted by ballot-harvesting, ballot-stuffing, and Chinese-owned voting machines and social media censorship. 74 million voted for Trump, 80 million allegedly for Senile Joe which equals 154 million or 101 percent of the 2018 registered voter electorate of 2018 of 153 million. And we are expected to stay home and support the results of this fraudulent [s]election.

I doubt that this is going to happen. A lot of currency will be printed to keep people at home scared of a virus that has already allegedly killed one out of one-thousand people, but none of this will last. There is no printing a gallon of milk or of gasoline or a broiler chicken.

But by all means, blog your way to alienation.

Anonymous said...

Comment at 12:52 proves that unlike a gallon of milk or a broiler chicken with the internet wingnuts can print and publish a never ending supply of BS and RWNJ memes!

Anonymous said...

Posts circulating on social media allege that “only 133 million registered voters voted” to falsely claim that the number of votes cast for Joe Biden is not mathematically possible. The calculation on which this claim is based on is misleading. The nationwide voter turnout is usually calculated using the eligible-voting population as a denominator, not the number of registered voters. Around 239,247,182 people were eligible to vote in 2020. While there is no available figure yet for nationwide registered voters for 2020, Reuters calculations found there were an estimated 206,557,583 registered voters as of the publication of this article.