Thursday, August 26, 2021

Hartzler on Kabul explosions: Biden Administration should be held accountable


(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) issued the following statement regarding the explosions in Kabul, Afghanistan:

“Today’s explosions outside Kabul’s airport underscored the necessity for a thorough and well-thought-out withdrawal plan to ensure the safety and security of Americans in Afghanistan.

But President Biden disregarded intelligence, lied to the nation on this reality, and put our citizens who are stranded in Afghanistan in grave danger. This administration has shown incompetence at every stage of this catastrophe and should be held accountable for the lives they have put at risk.”


Anonymous said...

Oh this is too good, so are we going to say that Afghanistan is Bidens Covid? Funny how true the quote is when I change two little words.

"But President Trump disregarded intelligence, lied to the nation on this reality, and put our citizens who are stranded in America in grave danger. This administration has shown incompetence at every stage of this catastrophe and should be held accountable for the lives they have put at risk.”

Anonymous said...

Puppet Biden and his administration are idiots. Who does the things he has done? The CIA left weeks ago. Who pulls the servicemen and leaves the billions of dollars of equipment and the Americans behind?? Who trusts the Taliban?? No one but the Biden administration. They are the ones with blood on their hands. They can't blame this on Trump.

Anonymous said...

Trump is just as much to blame as Biden. You can't pretend Trump didn't set this up for failure just like everything else in his presidency.