Monday, September 16, 2024

Early Christmas shoppers arrested at Lamar Walmart, stealing, meth charges filed

Two early Christmas shoppers who allegedly loaded more than $1,500 worth of merchandise in a shopping cart and left the Lamar Walmart without paying, are facing felony charges.

The Barton County Prosecuting Attorney's office charged David L. Taylor, (DOB 1975) Springfield, and Sarah J. Brown (DOB 1980) Pleasant Hill, with stealing, while Taylor was also cited for delivering a controlled substance.

According to the probable cause statement, Lamar Police were already suspicious something was going on when they came across a Mazda 6 in the Walmart parking lot with a plastic bag covering the license plate. While the car was being investigated, an alarm went off from the fire door at Walmart and Taylor and Brown emerged from the store running with a full shopping cart.

When they were approached by the police, Taylor allegedly pushed the cart aggressively toward a police officer, according to the statement. After the officer dodged the cart, both suspects surrendered.

Brown told police they were Christmas shopping for their kids.

As Taylor was taken into custody, police discovered a large crystal rock that weighed 8.47 grams and field tested positive for methamphetamine.


Anonymous said...

Please lock them up for at least 3 years. 1 year for every $500. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"shopping for their kids" - yeah right, if they cared about their kids they'd get off dope and be productive people. They were most likely stealing stuff to trade for more dope.

Anonymous said...

Definitely - Not Role Models for their Kids. Hope the kids have Family Members that can take them in and take care of them - since these two could care less what happens to them.

Anonymous said...

Well I am thinking they won’t be spending Christmas with the kids.

Anonymous said...

These folks will have a better Christmas than most people, they won’t be working so they get to enjoy the family, they won’t take the kids because everybody makes mistakes, after all it’s the drugs it couldn’t possibly be the humans that did the drugs.
Kids will get presents from the local TV stations, schools and probably get to shop with a cop. Don’t forget the free turkey and ham at the holidays. God I wish I was making this stuff up….

Anonymous said...

What's your point 345?