Monday, October 21, 2024

Lamar man charged with rape, sodomy

The Barton County Prosecuting Attorney's office filed rape and sodomy charges against a Lamar man today.

A 9 a.m. December 3 initial appearance is scheduled for Dillon Leslie Bass (DOB 1991), who allegedly committed the crimes after a woman he met online came to his home.

According to the probable cause statement, the woman arrived at Bass' home after midnight to watch a movie, told Bass her back was hurting and he offered to massage it, but before too long was lifting her shirt and touching her breasts. She told him to stop, which he did, but he said, "That's what you came here for."

They returned to watching the movie, then Bass began kissing the woman. She said she didn't want to do that and after that, he tried to pull her pants off. She fought him, then he "held her by the throat and pulled her pants off" and raped her, according to the probable cause statement.


Anonymous said...

Now, babe, the time has come
How'd you like to have a little fun?"
And she said, "If we could only please be on our way
I would not run"
That's when things got out of control

Anonymous said...

Dillon Leslie Bass, as a man should know - "No Means No".

This Incident happened on April 5, 2023 - with the Victim just coming forward on September 19, 2024 - Almost a Year and Half later. Lab results from a sexual assault examination kit showed positive results for male DNA from swabs taken from the Victim.

Now this Idiot, has 2-Charges on him which can Ruin his Life and put him in Jail for Years. Was it Really Worth It - -
566.060-001Y20201199.0 Sodomy Or Attempted Sodomy - 1st Degree
566.030-001Y20201198.0 Rape Or Attempted Rape - 1st Degree

You Women need to STOP, putting yourselves in these situations that can go Bad Quickly and sending these Idiots - Mixed Signals. Meeting Someone Online, coming over to a Guy's House after Midnight, letting him Massage your Back - You should never expect to be Raped - but STOP putting yourselves in Situations that could Ruin your Life and Others too. Start making Better Life Decisions - and becoming Accountable for them too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some texts need presented to show what was planned. Too many cases of women falsely claiming these things is just because of regretted actions. Now if it did happen the way she claims, by all means lock him away.

Anonymous said...

Wow I feel sorry for you! Don’t blame women for men and their actions! They are solely to blame for those decisions!

Anonymous said...

The texts don't matter. Regardless of what she said before, once she said no, that's the end. Texting some variation of "I'm coming over for sex" does not grant permanent consent.

Anonymous said...

6:28AM - No one is blaming women, but women need to take responsibility for their actions, so they do not become Victims - Didn't your mother ever tell you to use good judgement. Don't put yourself or others in situations that can cause you or someone else harm.

If that was your Daughter - Would you have told her that is good Idea - Meet some Idiot Online, and by the Way go Watch a Movie at his House after Midnight and then allow him to Massage You - What a Perfect Scenery for a Disaster to Happen!!!

Do Not - meet someone online and go to their house - after midnight - meet them in a Public Place in reasonable Hours - sounds Old Fashioned, but that same thought process has worked for Years. Can we all start using Common-Sense. "No-Means-No", and Stop allowing yourself to become a Victim... Common-Sense...

I believe that - No-Means-No, but several Men have gotten the Charges thrown out because of the Actions of the Women - By the Prosecution because they must prove Non-Consent beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Meaning - Do Not allow yourself to be in situations where you could be a Victim and have shown Bad Intentions - by Meeting some Idiot Online, and by then going to Watch a Movie at his House after Midnight and then allowing him to Massage You - this shows Multiple Bad Decisions and Reasonable Doubt in your Decision-Making Process.

Anonymous said...

So when we do not use common sense then we can blame others for the outcome. You do not step in a cage with a lion, common sense, you do not drive a car without your seatbelt on, common sense. Maybe nothing will happen but why take those chances, common sense, can we all start using it. Maybe less things would happen, if only common sense was used more often. So if we all take responsibility and use common sense we might all be better off, or we can continue to live unresponsible and continue to make bad decisions, until we learn or maybe not.