Tuesday, October 07, 2008

As usual, little mention of education in debate

With the debate having turned to foreign policy, once again it is obvious that education is receiving short shrift in the 2008 presidential race.

McCain has made no secret of his support for educational vouchers, while Obama has been a proponent of charter schools, both ideas which are considerably flawed. If private schools and charter schools, with little interference from the federal or state governments is the only path for education, then why do politicians continue to insist that public schools follow rules that are contradictory, self-defeating, and guaranteed to strip creativity from an educational system which is still the envy of the world.

Education has problems, but the type of deregulation that people like Rex Sinquefield, Charles Norval Sharpe, Joplin's Humphreys family, and John McCain favor, is exactly the same type of meddling that has led to the current crisis in our nation's economic system.

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