Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Mark Rohr is toast; council votes 5-4 to oust city manager

The investigation that City Manager Mark Rohr (and the Joplin Globe, for that matter), thought would lead to the removal of Bill Scearce from the City Council, instead has ended up exonerating the mayor pro tem and sending Rohr to the unemployment line.

The vote was 5-4, with Mayor Melodee Colbert-Kean, Trisha Raney, Jack Golden, Bill Scearce, and Benjamin Rosenberg.

Voting to retain Rohr were council members Morris Glaze, Mike Seibert, Mike Woolston, and Gary Shaw.


Anonymous said...

The truth on Rohr needs to come out, he should be prosecuted by the Joplin Police for assault and domestic violence. Any person who did what he did to his wife and was able to get away with it for this long should have been fired a long time ago. A huge violation in his moral clause and had the police chief (now retired ironically) cover it up.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness. Long overdue. Too much scandal during his tenure. See Geoff Jones investigation, former HR director suicide, drastic and constant turnover at several department heads. How many fire chiefs has the city had since 2005? Police chiefs? Parks and rec directors? Public works directors? Finance directors? About the only department chair to survive the Rohr years was Stockam at the airport and the city clerk who answers to the council.

Anonymous said...

Thank god move on moron

wally said...

nytatnext up CJ Huff get this city back on the right foot anybody with any sense always new the wallace- whatever was a scam just like the baseball team anybody ever look at the springfeild cardinals attendance ????? plus this stupid teams owner was a partner with wallace-whatever in 07 how stupid can our council be dumb hillbilles

Anonymous said...

Joplin City Council is not on the up and up all of Joplin and its people should demand a full and complete investigation.

Anonymous said...

Joplin is a huge mess of good-ol'-boy BS involving certain families and people but not others, wrapping up the city govt., the school board and administration, the newspaper (finally "playing ball" under Stark's leadership), etc.

Can the state or feds please come in here and clean things up? It's not getting better until then. Everyone in a position of authority here is too close to the source.

Anonymous said...

The people of Joplin ( the leaders at the time) should have spoken to the people of Piqua, Ohio, Rohrs former employer. Assault, cover-ups (we called it gravel gate) department heads loped off- sounds like a broken record in another city