Monday, February 17, 2014

The effect of Common Core: Kids don't want to go to school any more

The image that supporters of Common Core Standards have tried to portray is that those who oppose the standards are a bunch of right wing zealots.

While I would dispute that characterization of conservative opponents of Common Core, it is not just the conservative side that is rising up in opposition.

An article in today's New York Times describes the growing opposition from the left:

But the newest chorus of complaints is coming from one of the most liberal states, and one of the earliest champions of the standards: New York. And that is causing supporters of the Common Core to shudder.

Carol Burris, an acclaimed high school principal on Long Island, calls the Common Core a “disaster.”

“We see kids,” she said, “they don’t want to go to school anymore.”

Leaders of both parties in the New York Legislature want to rethink how the state uses the Common Core.

The statewide teachers’ union withdrew its support for the standards last month until “major course corrections” took place.


Anonymous said...

Kids have never wanted to go to school. This is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're tired of all the tests they take all the time.