I am curious about Rep. Marilyn Ruestman's explanation for HB 1461, another of those feel-good bills that surface every election year.
The bill would permit victims of attacks to protect themselves with deadly force if necessary. "It seemed kind of ridiculous to tell a woman to stop and determine if the assault could be deadly," she told Neosho Daily News reporter Wes Franklin. "That's something men don't think about. I mean, for me, a man's hands could be considered deadly force. When you're being attacked, you don't have time to decide if your attacker will kill you or not and you have the right to defend yourself. You have the right to fight force with force."
I am not certain I like the idea of telling people they don't have to think, just shoot, and of course, there are occasions when that may be the only recourse. I am sure HB 1461 will have supporters and detractors.
What bothered me most was Ms. Ruestman's explanation of how this bill came about. "I had several ladies come up and ask me, 'is is true you have to run away if attacked?'"
If that many people are asking Ms. Ruestman that question, I definitely don't like the idea of telling all of them it's o. k. to shoot first and ask questions later. I find it hard to believe that many people have been asking about this."
Maybe there is a crying need for this legislation, but the explanation definitely seems strange.
I see that Jim Jackson again hosted the local Lincoln Days dinner.
ruestman is a little strange...she may be a female impersonator in my opinion
That damned quail was attacking Mr. Cheney...he had to shoot!
Yes Jim did host again, he was super as usual. It was a nice evening, great food and all that politics talk!!!
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