One of the most difficult stories for news outlets to handle is the death of a teenager.
That was the problem faced by local media this week after the death of Joplin High School student-athlete Christina Freeman in what authorities say is a drunk driving accident.
Though I haven't seen if there is anything in this morning's Globe, the coverage on KODE and KSNF last night was informative, but respectful. The media have to draw a fine line between the public's right to know and the desire of the family for privacy.
The death had a major impact on Joplin High School students, my former students have told me, and the effect was obvious on my students at South Middle School, as well. Many of them knew Christina and were having a hard time dealing with her death.
Christina's younger brother, Trevor, is in one of my communication arts classes. It is impossible to imagine what he is going through.
The funeral services were held yesterday. Christina was buried in the softball uniform that meant so much to her. The services, I am told, were a celebration of a life that ended much too soon.
I have read with disbelief postings on some of the area websites from people who accuse our legislators of cynical reasons for each effort they make to curtail the drunk driving problem in Missouri. When you have tragedies such as the death of Christina Freeman, the deaths of James Dodson of Neosho and his eight-year-old granddaughter Jessica Mann of Joplin, the death of Julie Phipps of Lamar and the decimation of that family due to a drunk driver with 22 prior convictions in 1995, there is simply no way we can stand by and allow these crimes to continue to occur.
That's why people should thank our local legislators for their efforts in this area. Despite the tragedies we hear about on a regular basis, drunk driving has been reduced, but it needs to be eliminated, and while that may not be possible, to allow it to continue without making the effort would be just as big a crime.
According to Newton County Circuit Court records, the first hearing for Joplin High School student Cory Simmons, who is charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with Christina Freeman's death is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 28.
Who supplied the minor with alcohol? They should be held accountable as well.
Christina was a wonderfully sweet person who always put others before herself. She was radiantlly beautiful on the inside as well as out. She was also an organ donor. It consoles me that part of her will remain to live on in others. There are not enough Punkies in the world and this one will be dearly missed by everyone who knew her.
Why is this reported as a drunk driving incident as if that is a settled fact?
Isn't it just alledged that the 17 year old sitting in jail was drunk?
Does it help set an impartial jury to constantly report only the prosecuting version of events?
What were the road conditions at the time of the accident?
What was the lighting at the time of the accident?
How many accidents have occured at that location? Were all of them drug or alcohol related?
What was the condition of the car at the time of the accident? (i.e., were there any defects in it that could have contributed to the rollover?)
Had the car been involved in any prior accidents? (which might suggest that answer to the above is "yes")
Do 17 year old drivers ever have accidents without alcohol being involved? (i.e.,could a lack of driving experance been a factor)
All of the above are questions that would require actual investigative journalism. On the other hand, I suppose it is much easier to simply let the police write the story and then publish it.
screw you!
It was alcohol related. And if you want to know about lighting and condition of cars, go ask your freaking mom.
Well, it is hard to argue with that well thought out and reasoned response, but I shall try.
My point was that responsible journalism would seem to require balanced reporting of ALL the facts in an open case rather then just those favorable to the Prosecution. This is especially true if the reporting is likely to influence the opinions of every literate member of the jury pool likely to be called up to determine the accused’s fate.
Like it or not we live in a free society and not a despotism. One of the things that separates America from Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia is fact that the State must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the guilt of those of its citizens that it accuses of a crime.
The response of “Screw You? It was alcohol related” sort of proves my point. Clearly, in the some people’s minds the issue of the accused guilt has been decided. In fact, if you go to the Joplin Globe’s on-line story and read the comments you will see even the people who are sympathetic to the Defendant still accept as a given fact that he was drunk and that this was the cause of the accident.
If we know it was alcohol related simply because the officer’s affidavit says so, then why bother having a trial or even a Court system? Wouldn’t it be cheaper and more efficient to simply allow the Police to execute or imprison everyone they arrest without going through the hassle of a trial by jury (or plea bargain process)?
If we flinch from giving the State that much power over us, then why would we want to allow them to influence the impartial jury system by releasing one-sided information before the accused has even had a chance to retain an attorney much less present his case?
I know it can be hard work at times to THINK rather then emote but perhaps in convicting someone of a felony we should base our decisions on facts (ALL the facts) and not just on emotion.
Well maybe emotion plays a pretty huge part in this???
and what in the world why not trust the police explain to me
no dont
maybe i over exaggerated the thing and got a little "immature" but hey
you would too
no offense
i posted that at five fifty five MAKE A WISH ****
really though make a wish ESPECIALLY when it is eleven eleven
So we all know that everyone loved Christina. I miss her so much. And I send my love out to her family. But I think that we all need to remember the young man blamed for her death. Cory. I think that someone...anyone, needs to go to him and tell him that he is still loved and that we forgive him. After all he wasn't the only drunk one in the car...am I correct? And what have the students at JHS learned from this horrible event? Nothing. They still go out on the weekends and get drunk out of their minds. How many people need to die? If I am wrong about Christina being under the influence, then I am sorry for that comment. I was miss informed. BUT we need to forgive Cory. And we need to remember that it was not God who took Christina. Only satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy.
I have a few things to add first let me say thankyou to mr Turner the piece you did on Christina was beautiful.
To superskye. thankyou for your kind words you must have known Christina because you have her down to a T. I would like to meet you someday.
To the road con....I fully understand the point you were trying to make but you must understand that that words no matter how well put still hurt..Let me help the Police out on this one or maybe the press whom ever your point went out to...
1. No it is not alledged that he was drunk it is a fact his Bal was 0.924
2.It was a cold clear night.
3.no lighting.
4.several accidents not all with alocohol.
5.The car was in great condition new tires about two weeks old.
6.Yes she was side swipped by a simi the monday before but with slight body dammage to the drivers side..yes the car was inspected before we let her get back in it.
7.yes 17 teen year olds have accidents all the time without alcohol.
so maybe in this case the facts were roported the police did a great job and the press did the same.
And last to OKAY......
Yes he was the only drunk one in the car according to the doctors Christina did not have but a trace or as they put it to me proubly a drink of someones drink....and I do not lay all the blame on Cory...Forgive him yes with time...Love him Im sure he has parents that love him that one I cant do..I do not wish him any ill fate . I can only pray that he will learn from this and make something out of his life...Yes Satan comes to destroy but I belive when it is your time to go the lord takes you.He took my beautiful daughter just as her life was beginning do I understand why no i dont. but if you belive the lord does everything for a reason as I do when he calles me home and i hold my baby again I'll know what his plan for her was. until then her smile is looking down on all of us so look up and give her a wink and a smile in return.
Mrs. Freeman, I need to apolgize to you because of what I said. The way I heard it both of them were very drunk and the newspaper said nothing about it so I had to go with what I heard. I am sorry I said that. And I thank you for clearing the water for me on what really happened. I knew that it did not sound like Christina but.....well I am sorry. School is just not the same without her beautiful smile.
heyyyyy i love you christina and miss you lots.
miss tina marie is NEVER forgotten.
Next tuesday marks two years gone, but two years that she's lived on in hearts.
Julie was my favorite cousin. It's been nearly 17 years that she's been gone, but it still hurts incredibly bad. I pass the in memoriam plaque they have on the wall in the elementary school every time I pick my own child up from school. I will never stop missing her. I still check to make sure the bastard who murdered her is still behind bars.
Losing someone that way leaves a void that can never be filled.
I miss you, Julie.
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