Friday, May 06, 2011

KODE: Dr. Speck and MSSU officials refuse to comment

KODE opened its 5 p.m. newscast with coverage of the rally on the MSSU campus today for fired newspaper adviser T. R. Hanrahan.

Hanrahan, who has remained a class act throughout, attended the rally and said good things about his students, but did not criticize university officials.

University President Bruce Speck and other MSSU officials "refused to comment."


Anonymous said...

What I really don't like about all this is, by their silence they are implying that there is something hidden they can't discuss. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is not a personnel matter. It is a First Amendment matter - and they are trying to silence The Chart by firing him. I'm ashamed that nobody from the administration, and nobody from the department, has spoken out on this. The faculty, in giving their resolution supporting TR, are saying that, more or less, although the resolution does not call upon administrators to reconsider. It is tantamount to character assassination.

blade said...

Does anybody worry about being the next victim? I confess, I do; please don't blame on me!!! I will keep silent now! Bye bye. Good luck for those who may make noise!!!