Friday, October 03, 2014

Not a word about Homecoming on Joplin District website or district, JHS Facebook pages

You can find two articles about the dedication ceremony and the cutting of the six-and-a-half-mile ribbon linked on the home page of the Joplin R-8 School District website.

If you look a little to the left, you will see Eagle Pride Day, that one day a month closest to payday when teachers are allowed to wear bluejeans.

Even on the upcoming events section on the left hand side of the page, all you can see are items about the dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony and some tours that will be given of the high school tonight.

There is not one mention, however, of tonight's Homecoming football game between the Eagles and Lebanon.

Not one mention on either the District Homepage or the District Facebook Page.

And to make it worse, though there are mentions of some sporting events that have been held this week, Homecoming is not mentioned on the Joplin High School Facebook page either.


Anonymous said...


You obviously do not grasp the concept of "for the kids." As duly appointed father of the district; I decide what is best for our kids. Not you! The truth is, this ribbon is what ALL my kids want. Not some stupid football game.

Your SUPERintendent

Anonymous said...

The kids were told not to wear eagle wear but to 'dress for success'.

Anonymous said...

Proper dress might get you in the door. Proper education allows you to stay.

Anonymous said...

Wow "your superintendent" you sir are a sad excuse for a administrator. You are a sad excuse for a educator. I decide what is best as well as every other parent out there. Thank you for screwing up Joplin and the students.

Anonymous said...

10:15 Aka: CJ Huff
I don't know if that was meant as mockery, but if not, DO NOT EVER allow yourself to believe for even an instant that you rule over any of my children, in any form or fashion, EVER!! Don't EVER call my children YOUR children again, because if you do...that is where you and I will have a very serious issue between us!! I am their parent, NOT YOU! I do hope that I have made myself perfectly clear in this matter. I'm sure I am not the only parent that feels this way. You are the single most abhorred human being in the city of Joplin. Go find another town to ruin so we can pick up the pieces and rebuild from EF5 Huff!!
Why don't you tell us about your oldest son CJ?? Lol