Monday, March 16, 2020

Carthage Police Department announces changes in how it will take reports, operation of taxi service

(From the Carthage Police Department)

In an effort to keep our staff and members of our community safe, the Carthage Police Department is taking proactive measures until further notice. 

Our police officers will still be taking all calls for service, however when possible a Carthage police officer will be taking reports by telephone. 

Officers will still be responding in person to calls for service regarding Life Safety Issues or when a report cannot be taken by phone for other contributing factors.

The City Taxi service will only be transporting pre-arranged rides to those that have critical doctor appointments. The Taxi service will not transport anyone that may be ill. The animal control officer will be taking calls for service on a case-by-case basis.

We value our face to face interactions with our community, however we recognize the need to do our part to help protect our staff and community. We appreciate your understanding and will keep you informed on any relevant information as it develops.

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