Friday, March 20, 2020

McDonald County Emergency Management details COVID-19 response

(From McDonald County Emergency Management)

What a blessing it is to work for such a great place. We have a great team in place to serve our citizens during these difficult times.

The McDonald County Health Department is prepared and has been doing everything they can to keep you safe. The health department has been training and providing personal protective equipment to all our first responders. They are working closely with all our health care providers in McDonald County to provide support, information, and testing capabilities. 

We have been meeting together, with the health care providers, Freeman Ambulance, our County Commission, and the Sheriff. 

Today, we had the mayors from the cities in McDonald County together with EMA and the health department. Each mayor is the chief elected official in their city and has a lot of responsibilities not only day to day, but even more during emergencies. 

County law enforcement has been very helpful in helping us control false information being spread and causing panics. 

Law enforcement and fire has also been helping pass out information packets to our HUD housing units. 

We still have no confirmed positive COVID-19 test in McDonald County, but I will assure you people are getting tested who need it. 

Another partner of ours is New-Mac Electric and Mark Rakes has been in contact with us daily over the last week offering assistance and getting updates. Both electric companies, New-Mac and Liberty/Empire have suspended shutoffs due to the virus outbreak. We are monitoring this situation constantly and will provide information as we get it. 

We understand this is a very scary situation and a very fluid situation and things are changing quickly. Our contact phone number is 417-223-7575 if you have questions.

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